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83 items found

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  • Georgian wall plaques

    The Tehidy Plaques: a pair of George II carved limestone and lead relief-carved stone plaques

    POA Stock code: 47185
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    The Tehidy Plaques: a pair of George II carved limestone and lead relief-carved stone plaques

    each plaque, slightly coved in plan, carved in deep relief with a winged putto driving a chariot, on one tablet the chariot drawn by a pair of galloping stags (with original lead antlers), on the other goats; each putto raises a whip as they career towards each other,
    Dimensions: 61cm (24") High, 122cm (48") Wide, 28cm (11") Deep
    Stock code: 47185
  • Robert Adam pilasters

    A magnificent set of four English pine and composition neo-Classical pilasters

    POA Stock code: 46457
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    A magnificent set of four English pine and composition neo-Classical pilasters

    each rectangular section stem with recessed panels to each side bordered with lambrequin mouldings, the face applied with scrolling Etruscan style stylised foliate ornament incorporating urns, and headed by composition order capitals and raised on a stepped block foot; all painted post-restorations with a unifying white wash,
    Dimensions: 324cm (127½") High, 47cm (18½") Wide, 22cm (8¾") Deep, each pilaster
    Stock code: 46457
  • Nineteenth century Neo-Classical fireplace in the George III style,

    £19,500 Stock code: BB091
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    Nineteenth century Neo-Classical fireplace in the George III style,

    the stepped shelf above fluted frieze centred by plaque carved in relief depciting Cupid with a maiden, the foliate oval paterae corner blocks above pilaster jambs of classical urns and anthemion, the Sienna marble ingrounds of good rich colour, on block feet.
    Dimensions: 143.5cm (56½") High, 180cm (70¾") Wide, 21.5cm (8½") Deep, Opening width 108.5 cm x 104 cm high, Outside jamb to jamb 164 cm wide
    Stock code: BB091
  • George III inlaid Statuary marble fireplace

    £18,500 Stock code: 79274
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    George III inlaid Statuary marble fireplace

    the moulded breakfront shelf above central tablet depicting Diana the Huntress and her dog, set within oval panel with winged putti to either side, this relief flanked by Tinos marbled inlaid flutes and corner blocks showing the Young Bacchus, the Brocatello marble jambs with pilasters inlaid with further Tinos flutes, on block feet. Late eighteenth century, restored.
    Dimensions: 137cm (54") High, 175cm (69") Wide, 28cm (11") Deep, Opening width 103.5 cm x 100 cm high, Outside jamb to jamb 162 cm
    Stock code: 79274
  • George III style Statuary marble Doric order chimneypiece

    £18,000 Stock code: 78774
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    George III style Statuary marble Doric order chimneypiece

    the moulded breakfront shelf above central plain plaque, the frieze with triglyphs and plain metopes, with engaged columnar jambs on footblocks. Late nineteenth century in the early George III manner.
    Dimensions: 144cm (56¾") High, 185cm (72¾") Wide, 30cm (11¾") Deep, Opening width 114.5 cm x 107 cm high, Outside jamb to jamb width 160 cm. 310 kg.
    Stock code: 78774
  • Georgian Statuary and Convent Sienna marble fireplace

    £14,500 Stock code: 79212
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    Georgian Statuary and Convent Sienna marble fireplace

    the shelf with a simple mould above frieze with plaque centred by a female mask, the corner blocks of putti above fluted panel jambs, the whole inset with panels of dramatically figured Convent Sienna marble, on block feet.
    Dimensions: 128.5cm (50½") High, 187cm (73½") Wide, 22.5cm (8¾") Deep, Opening width 111.5 cm x 104.5 cm high, Outside jamb to jamb 164 cm
    Stock code: 79212
  • Large George III wrought iron fire grate

    £14,500 Stock code: 79035
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    Large George III wrought iron fire grate

    the standards formed of elegant urn-topped pierced obelisks standing on a group of Tuscan columns, united by pierced and engraved shaped apron, of unusually large size. Blacking or polishing can be arranged, if deemed necessary.
    Dimensions: 86.5cm (34") High, 114cm (45") Wide, 60cm (23½") Deep
    Stock code: 79035
  • Stained glass windows by Atkinson Bros after Henry Payne

    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    £12,500 the pair Stock code: 46803
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    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window with an ogee header painted with a New Testament scene, one light depicting Christ "The Good Shepherd" relating to John 10:1–21, the other  “Behold I stand at the door and knock” Revelation 3:20, the Christ figure standing at a threshold, a garden behind Him and holding a lit lantern; both lights with the figures set within an abundant garden within Gothic architectural borders, the original window dedication is given below to the Todd family of Sunderland in 1915 and 1922.  
    Dimensions: 163cm (64¼") High, 61cm (24") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46803
    £12,500 the pair
  • George III mahogany bookcase

    £12,500 Stock code: 79023
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    George III mahogany bookcase

    of breakfront form, the dentil cornice above astragal glazed central cabinet with fielded doors to either side, all containing adjustable shelving, the base with three graduated doors.
    Dimensions: 253cm (99½") High, 198cm (78") Wide, 54.5cm (21½") Deep
    Stock code: 79023
  • Angels stained glass window

    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    £12,000 the pair Stock code: 46805
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    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window with an ogee header painted with an Angel, one light depicting "Faith",  the standing figure holding attributes of the cross and a lily, the other light depicting, "Hope" , the standing figure holding an anchor and a palm frond, both figures set within an abundant landscape within Gothic architectural borders, the original window dedication was given to Sarah Grace in 1928 but was damaged on removal, *Signed "Atkinson Bros. N/C" in the bottom margin*
    Dimensions: 152cm (59¾") High, 61cm (24") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46805
    £12,000 the pair
  • Sedan Chair

    A rare George III Westminster “Gala” sedan chair

    £12,000 Stock code: 46411
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    A rare George III Westminster “Gala” sedan chair

    the cabin of deal construction with a domed roof all clad in blacked Moroccan leather with crimson borders and ornamented with beautifully detailed gilt-brass crestings - masks to the top corners and guilloche and Vitruvian scroll applied friezes, the door-furniture ornately cast, the front door opening to reveal a silk lined interior with privacy blinds concealing the three drop-sash windows - one to the front and two to the sides; the sedan chair is borne by the pair of guilloche carved poles threaded through two hasps on each side and with hooped leather shoulder straps,
    Dimensions: 164cm (64½") High, 77cm (30¼") Wide, 92cm (36¼") Long, the removable poles 355cm long
    Stock code: 46411
  • A pair of Victorian stained glass windows by Charles Eamer Kempe

    A pair of good late Victorian stained glass church windows

    £12,000 the pair Stock code: 46194
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    A pair of good late Victorian stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window eloquently painted with an early New Testament scene, one light depicting The Annunciation - Mary being visited by the holy dove and an angel, the other light depicting Jesus learning joinery from St. Joseph and glancing at the wooden cross his unknowing father has created, Mary is depicted spinning wool in the house yonder,
    Dimensions: 123.5cm (48½") High, 41cm (16¼") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46194
    £12,000 the pair
  • Coade capital

    An impressive William IV Coadestone corner pilaster capital

    £11,350 Stock code: 47186
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    An impressive William IV Coadestone corner pilaster capital

    the large fired stoneware capital, in the neo-classical taste, cast in deep relief with pierced volutes, flowerheads and scrolled ornament to its two principle sides
    Dimensions: 53.5cm (21") High, 101cm (39¾") Wide, 63.5cm (25") Deep
    Stock code: 47186
  • Stained Glass Window by Atkinson Brothers

    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    £11,000 the pair Stock code: 46804
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    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window with an ogee header painted with a New Testament scene, one light depicting "I will give unto thee a Crown of Life", Revelation 2:10, Christ standing and proffering the martyr's crown to a supplicant, the other light depicting, "I am the Light of the World" John 8:12, the angel indicating the Ascension of Christ, both lights with the figures set within an abundant garden within Gothic architectural borders, the original window dedication is given below to the Alder family in 1915 and 1922.
    Dimensions: 163cm (64¼") High, 61cm (24") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46804
    £11,000 the pair
  • A George III statuary white and verde antico marble chimneypiece,

    £10,000 as found, Stock code: 46267
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    A George III statuary white and verde antico marble chimneypiece,

    the moulded rectangular shelf over the frieze of inlaid verde antico fluting, the endblocks carved with lidded urns in relief, the jambs also with verde antico fluting, raised on rectangular Carrara marble footblocks (later), visible wear and restorations,
    Dimensions: 144.5cm (57") High, 172.5cm (68") Wide, 14cm (5½") Deep, the aperture measures 119cm wide and 110cm high,
    Stock code: 46267
    £10,000 as found,
  • Rare pair of register grates

    A rare pair of Scottish George III cast iron register grates

    £9,350 Stock code: 46682
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    A rare pair of Scottish George III cast iron register grates

    each with a reeded register frame, lion-masks to the corners and hairy-paw monopodia below, each with the concave inner grate with wide hobs flanking the bar set comprising repeated ovals,
    Dimensions: 96cm (37¾") High, 92cm (36¼") Wide, 25cm (9¾") Deep, each grate
    Stock code: 46682
  • A rare Avignon Chaise-a-Porteur (sedan chair)

    £9,250 Stock code: 46552
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    A rare Avignon Chaise-a-Porteur (sedan chair)

    the cabin of deal and canvas construction with a domed roof clad in blacked Moroccan leather with sides, back and door painted in a "grisailles" repeating foliate field, centred with acanthine cartouches incorporating lions, herms and scene paintings, the front door opening to reveal a silk lined interior glazed with quartered drop-sash windows - one to the front and two to the sides; the sedan chair lacking the original the pair of  poles - threaded through two hasps on each side,
    Dimensions: 172cm (67¾") High, 94cm (37") Wide, 81cm (32") Long, 74 x 71cm at base
    Stock code: 46552
  • George III bacon settle

    £7,500 Stock code: 79578
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    George III bacon settle

    panelled throughout to front and back, the top cupboard accessible via three smaller doors, main cabinet with large wrought iron hooks, the seat with drawers below. Primarily constructed in figured field-grown ash, some other native hedgerow timber species present. Fantastically figured and patinated throughout.
    Dimensions: 201cm (79¼") High, 139.5cm (55") Wide, 65.5cm (25¾") Deep, Seat height 46 cm x 34 cm deep
    Stock code: 79578
  • George IV Ashburton marble fireplace

    £7,500 Stock code: 78780
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    George IV Ashburton marble fireplace

    the shelf supported by twin corbels either side of the moulded frieze, the jambs each with conforming mouldings, on square footblocks.
    Dimensions: 119.5cm (47") High, 167.5cm (66") Wide, 26cm (10¼") Deep, Opening width 97.5 cm x 96.5 cm high, Outside jamb to jamb width 147.5 cm
    Stock code: 78780
  • Regency parcel-gilt overmantel mirror

    £6,500 Stock code: 79394
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    Regency parcel-gilt overmantel mirror

    the cavetto-mould frieze with stiffleaf ornament above plate flanked by fluted Ionic pilasters with paterae to the base, the mirror old but likely a replacement.
    Dimensions: 182.5cm (71¾") High, 140cm (55") Wide
    Stock code: 79394
  • Stained glaas poets

    A set of five Victorian leaded stained glass portrait windows,

    £6,000 the five panels Stock code: 46196
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    A set of five Victorian leaded stained glass portrait windows,

    each rectangular window with an arched top centred by a portrait oval of one of the great English poets, respectively: Spenser, Byron, Chaucer, Milton and Dryden, each within a strapwork cartouche - with a fruiting swag above and name-scroll below, each mounted in a later decorative scrolled steel frame,
    Dimensions: 63cm (24¾") High, 39cm (15¼") Wide, each window excluding frame
    Stock code: 46196
    £6,000 the five panels
  • Nineteenth century engraved steel and iron fire grate,

    £5,250 Stock code: NF0303
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    Nineteenth century engraved steel and iron fire grate,

    with pierced serpentine fret and bold urn finials.
    Dimensions: 73.5cm (29") High, 75cm (29½") Wide, 37cm (14½") Deep
    Stock code: NF0303
  • An early nineteenth century Kilkenny fossil marble chimneypiece,

    £5,250 Stock code: 46269
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    An early nineteenth century Kilkenny fossil marble chimneypiece,

    the rectangular shelf over plain frieze, the plain jambs with cyma moulded caps and foot-blocks, small areas of restoration,
    Dimensions: 123.5cm (48½") High, 191cm (75¼") Wide, 27cm (10¾") Deep, the aperture measures 101cm wide and 95.5cm high,
    Stock code: 46269
  • Georgian steel and iron fire grate,

    £4,850 Stock code: 79507
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    Georgian steel and iron fire grate,

    with a row of balusters topping the rails and fret-cut apron below supported by scrolled front legs. Restored.
    Dimensions: 63cm (24¾") High, 83cm (32¾") Wide, 37cm (14½") Deep
    Stock code: 79507
  • register grate

    A good George III cast iron and steel register grate

    £4,350 Stock code: 46237
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    A good George III cast iron and steel register grate

    the polished facade above the railed basket with ball surmounts and a pierced fret apron, the rare key-operated damper-plate adjusting mechanism still in situ,
    Dimensions: 100.5cm (39½") High, 103cm (40½") Wide, 34cm (13½") Deep
    Stock code: 46237
  • An early Victorian Painswick limestone chimneypiece

    £4,200 Stock code: 47166
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    An early Victorian Painswick limestone chimneypiece

    the rectangular shelf raised on plain pilaster jambs with moulded caps and square footblocks, the plain frieze with ovolo mould continuing to the interior jamb returns, some wear and restorations,
    Dimensions: 113.5cm (44¾") High, 159.5cm (62¾") Wide, 18cm (7") Deep, the aperture measures 92cm wide and 92.5cm high,
    Stock code: 47166
  • Niche header

    A pair of early George III sandstone niche tops,

    £4,150 the pair Stock code: 49154
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    A pair of early George III sandstone niche tops,

    each quarter-sphere headed with a keystone to the centre of the facing arch, the interior cut smooth, old abrasions and chips, moss and lichens,
    Dimensions: 55cm (21¾") High, 111cm (43¾") Wide, 45cm (17¾") Deep, the arch (the roughly hewn back extends wider/higher in places)
    Stock code: 49154
    £4,150 the pair
  • Columns and Pilasters set

    An English neo-classical carved oak columnar screen – two columns and two pilasters

    £4,125 the set Stock code: 46258
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    An English neo-classical carved oak columnar screen – two columns and two pilasters

    the pair of fluted columns carved with entasis and headed with Roman ionic order capitals, raised on torus moulded footblocks, the pair of pilasters - rectangular in section - en suite to the columns
    Dimensions: 258cm (101½") High, 38cm (15") Wide, 38cm (15") Deep, each column
    Stock code: 46258
    £4,125 the set
  • A nineteenth century Devonian limestone chimneypiece,

    £3,900 Stock code: 47127
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    A nineteenth century Devonian limestone chimneypiece,

    the rectangular shelf with chamfer raised on cushion moulded jambs and frieze united by rectangular end-blocks with raised rectangular panels,
    Dimensions: 113cm (44½") High, 159cm (62½") Wide, 28cm (11") Deep, the aperture measures 92cm wide and 92cm high,
    Stock code: 47127
  • Pair of early eighteenth century style walnut and leather upholstered armchairs,

    £3,850 Stock code: AD1664
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    Pair of early eighteenth century style walnut and leather upholstered armchairs,

    the central splat crossbanded, with carving to the seat rail and cabriole legs.
    Dimensions: 111.5cm (44") High, 72cm (28¼") Wide, 58cm (22¾") Deep
    Stock code: AD1664
  • Georgian style polished steel and iron fire basket,

    £3,850 Stock code: 79279
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    Georgian style polished steel and iron fire basket,

    the arched top rear panel with tazza draped in bellflowers, with tapered urn topped standards united by pierced serpentine fret. C.1900.
    Dimensions: 69cm (27¼") High, 83cm (32¾") Wide, 41cm (16¼") Deep
    Stock code: 79279
  • Henry Howard, 6th Earl of Suffolk

    £3,750 Stock code: 46134
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    Henry Howard, 6th Earl of Suffolk

    A large framed oil painting showing Henry Howard, First Earl Bindon, MP for Arundel in Sussex, Deputy Earl Marshall. Commissary General of the Musters for the King in 1705 and charged with oversight of His Majesty’s forces on land. He was appointed to the Privy Council in 1708 and in 1709 upon succeeding as Earl of Suffolk was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Essex and Furst Lord of Trade.
    Dimensions: 160cm (63") High, 140cm (55") Wide, 9cm (3½") Deep
    Stock code: 46134
  • Georgian style brass and iron firegrate

    £3,500 Stock code: NF0362
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    Georgian style brass and iron firegrate

    with spire finials, pierced fret, the front legs composed of a group of four columns.
    Dimensions: 68.5cm (27") High, 73cm (28¾") Wide, 37cm (14½") Deep
    Stock code: NF0362
  • ornate firegrate

    A beautifully cast mid Victorian polished cast-iron arched fireplace insert

    £3,150 Stock code: 46615
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    A beautifully cast mid Victorian polished cast-iron arched fireplace insert

    the arched aperture with pendant fleur-de-lys mouldings, the spandrels with pierced stylised foliate appliques, above the bowed railed basket with knopped finials,
    Dimensions: 96cm (37¾") High, 102cm (40¼") Wide, 32cm (12½") Deep
    Stock code: 46615
  • George IV cast iron register grate,

    George IV cast iron register grate,

    £3,000 Stock code: 78299
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    George IV cast iron register grate,

    the cushion moulded frame with brass flowerhead paterae corner-blocks, the ribbed cheeks flanking bowed grate bars with delicate fret-cut apron below
    Dimensions: 101cm (39¾") High, 97.5cm (38½") Wide, 38cm (15") Deep
    Stock code: 78299
  • Early eighteenth century brass and iron fire grate,

    £2,800 Stock code: 79561
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    Early eighteenth century brass and iron fire grate,

    Queen Anne/George I period, restored.
    Dimensions: 63.5cm (25") High, 68cm (26¾") Wide, 25cm (9¾") Deep
    Stock code: 79561
  • Old English double-ended andiron

    A rare English double-ended wrought-iron andiron,

    £2,650 Stock code: 45822
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    A rare English double-ended wrought-iron andiron,

    the singular rectangular-section billet bar terminating with a spear standard to each end, each pointed finial pierced with an eye suspending a spit-ring, each stem with apotropaic markings and three pairs of scrolls, the bar pegged in order to attach the pair of arched supports,
    Dimensions: 61cm (24") High, 95cm (37½") Wide, 19cm (7½") Deep, (the billet bar 87cm long)
    Stock code: 45822
  • Art Deco stained glass

    An Art Deco stained leaded-glass window,

    £2,500 Stock code: 45840
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    An Art Deco stained leaded-glass window,

    comprising geometric panels of stained glass in a painted steel frame, with eight lights forming an abstract design of textured and coloured glass,
    Dimensions: 188cm (74") High, 158cm (62¼") Wide, 5cm (2") Deep
    Stock code: 45840
  • A late George III Yorkstone chimneypiece,

    £2,350 Stock code: 46367
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    A late George III Yorkstone chimneypiece,

    the rectangular shelf over the plain frieze with central keystone, flanked by relief carved patera end-blocks, raised on plain jambs and square foot-blocks; carved in the solid and rough hewn to the reverse,
    Dimensions: 121cm (47¾") High, 129.5cm (51") Wide, 15cm (6") Deep, 107cm wide to the outside of the jambs, the aperture is 65cm wide and 98cm high,
    Stock code: 46367
  • Georgian mahogany Cockpen chair,

    £2,300 Stock code: 79500
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    Georgian mahogany Cockpen chair,

    the seat covered in a pale yellow damask, could benefit from recovering.
    Dimensions: 88.5cm (34¾") High, 60cm (23½") Wide, 58cm (22¾") Deep, Seat depth 45 cm
    Stock code: 79500
  • Eighteenth century mahogany chest of drawers,

    £1,950 Stock code: 79150
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    Eighteenth century mahogany chest of drawers,

    attractively patinated and of typical form, with brushing slide above four graduated drawers with original swan's-neck brasses, on bracket feet. Provenance: Farmleigh House, Ireland
    Dimensions: 78cm (30¾") High, 87.5cm (34½") Wide, 53cm (20¾") Deep
    Stock code: 79150
  • Pair of quatrefoil stained glass windows

    A pair of large late Victorian stained glass windows

    £1,800 the pair Stock code: 46193
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    A pair of large late Victorian stained glass windows

    each square window of leaded polychrome glass on an obscured glass field, centred with a large quatrefoil, with foliate painted ornament and inset with bullion roundels,
    Dimensions: 78cm (30¾") High, 78cm (30¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep, each window excluding frame
    Stock code: 46193
    £1,800 the pair
  • wall sconces

    A pair of Louis XVI style gilt bronze two-branch wall lights

    £1,440 the pair Stock code: 47141
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    A pair of Louis XVI style gilt bronze two-branch wall lights

    each with a flaming-urn finial atop a tapered and fluted backplate issuing the square section S-scroll arms that support lambrequin moulded drip pans and semi-lobed scones, modelled throughout with finely chased acanthine clasps,
    Dimensions: 44cm (17¼") High, 28.5cm (11¼") Wide, 15cm (6") Deep
    Stock code: 47141
    £1,440 the pair
  • A set of late George III steel fire tools,

    £1,250 Stock code: 46681
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    A set of late George III steel fire tools,

    the poker, tongs and shovel with cup-and-ball pommels over knopped grips and stems,
    Dimensions: 14cm (5½") Wide, the shovel 75cm long,
    Stock code: 46681
  • An early nineteenth century giltwood convex wall mirror,

    £1,200 Stock code: 46735
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    An early nineteenth century giltwood convex wall mirror,

    the convex plate within reeded ebonised sight and cavetto mould gilt-pine frame, ribbon tied to edge, with carved foliate crest; the gilding thin with old wear down to the gesso ground,
    Dimensions: 86cm (33¾") High, 66cm (26") Wide
    Stock code: 46735
  • chimney crane

    A George III wrought iron chimney crane

    £1,200 Stock code: 46229
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    A George III wrought iron chimney crane

    the lateral swing-bar above the adjustable lever for hanging pots - with decorative scrollwork
    Dimensions: 97cm (38¼") High, 124cm (48¾") Wide, 9cm (3½") Deep
    Stock code: 46229
  • Georgian style brass hall lantern

    £1,200 Stock code: NF0255
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    Georgian style brass hall lantern

    of hexagonal form with three light fitment within, twentieth century. Re-wired and PAT tested, sold with ceiling rose.
    Dimensions: 63cm (24¾") High, 36.5cm (14¼") Wide, 13
    Stock code: NF0255
  • wine cooler

    A George II style carved hardwood wine cooler

    £1,180 Stock code: 47168
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    A George II style carved hardwood wine cooler

    the flared ovoid body with a carved decorative rim and mid-way belt, raised on four acanthine cabriole supports with hairy-paw feet,
    Dimensions: 64cm (25¼") High, 68cm (26¾") Wide, 58cm (22¾") Deep
    Stock code: 47168
  • Mahogany Chippendale kneehole desk,

    £975 Stock code: 79163
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    Mahogany Chippendale kneehole desk,

    the canted corners with blind-fretwork, the drawers with gilt-lacquered brassware in the Rococo style. Knocks, marks and damage throughout but still imminently useable if one can abide the obvious yet minor imperfections.
    Dimensions: 79.5cm (31¼") High, 102cm (40¼") Wide, 52cm (20½") Deep
    Stock code: 79163
  • wall lights

    A pair of dainty Louis XVI style gilt bronze two-branch wall lights

    £950 the pair Stock code: 47142
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    A pair of dainty Louis XVI style gilt bronze two-branch wall lights

    each tapered backplate modelled as an arrow-filled quiver with a leaf-clasp terminus, the body applied with a Bacchic mask above differing musical trophies, the looped arms modelled as french hunting horns supporting machine-turned sconces,
    Dimensions: 26cm (10¼") High, 18cm (7") Wide, 8.5cm (3¼") Deep
    Stock code: 47142
    £950 the pair
  • Mid-eighteenth century gun barrel mahogany tripod table

    £950 Stock code: 79542
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    Mid-eighteenth century gun barrel mahogany tripod table

    with cabriole legs, sturdy and with attractive colour throughout.
    Dimensions: 69cm (27¼") High, 68cm (26¾") Wide
    Stock code: 79542
  • George III style iron hobgrate

    £950 Stock code: 79290
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    George III style iron hobgrate

    the shaped and railed basket flanked by panels cast in relief depicting female statues amidst drapes of bellflowers.
    Dimensions: 58.5cm (23") High, 98cm (38½") Wide, 31cm (12¼") Deep
    Stock code: 79290
  • A George IV rosewood whatnot,

    £880 Stock code: 46779
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    A George IV rosewood whatnot,

    three tiers with drawer to lowest, raised on knopped uprights with acorn type finials and original brass castors; minor wear commensurate with age,
    Dimensions: 129.5cm (51") High, 40.5cm (16") Wide, 40.5cm (16") Deep
    Stock code: 46779
  • A late Victorian walnut centre table,

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    A late Victorian walnut centre table,

    the legs and stretcher turned in a heavy Solomonic twist, the veneered top split and worn in places,

    Dimensions: 74.5cm (29¼") High, 99cm (39") Wide, 198cm (78") Long
  • Featherbanded burr elm bureau ,

    £800 Stock code: 79395
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    Featherbanded burr elm bureau ,

    the fall-front opening to reveal an arrangement of drawers and secret compartments, with two short over two long drawers below.
    Dimensions: 103cm (40½") High, 82.5cm (32½") Wide, 48cm (19") Deep
    Stock code: 79395
  • George IV brass table lamp base,

    £800 Stock code: k005
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    George IV brass table lamp base,

    modelled as a tapered triangular column, with anthemion to each side and hairy paw feet, on plinth base, converted from gas and re-wired.
    Dimensions: 43cm (17") High, 15cm (6") Wide, 15cm (6") Deep
    Stock code: k005
  • A set of polished steel fire tools,

    £725 Stock code: 46382
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    A set of polished steel fire tools,

    the shovel, tongs and poker with knopped shafts and gadrooned pommels, chased brass pommel caps (absent to the shovel),
    Dimensions: 75cm (29½") High, 15cm (6") Wide
    Stock code: 46382
  • An English wrought-iron fire grate,

    £700 Stock code: 48987
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    An English wrought-iron fire grate,

    the three bar basket raised on scroll-topped up-stands, with a replacement steel back plate and wrought-steel grille,
    Dimensions: 58cm (22¾") High, 39cm (15¼") Wide, 39cm (15¼") At Widest, 33cm (13") Deep
    Stock code: 48987
  • A George IV cast-iron bedroom fireplace register grate,

    £675 Stock code: 46612
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    A George IV cast-iron bedroom fireplace register grate,

    the three bar basket over scrolling honeysuckle flower spandrels, the same device repeated between narrow hob plates, the arched aperture framed by anthemion spandrels, within a lambrequin moulded border,
    Dimensions: 86.5cm (34") High, 41cm (16¼") Wide, 22cm (8¾") Deep
    Stock code: 46612
  • A cast plaster bust of the Florentine merchant, Pietro Mellini,

    £630 Stock code: 46677
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    A cast plaster bust of the Florentine merchant, Pietro Mellini,

    the head and neck bust, an abbreviation of the opulently robed head and upper torso original, mounted on a circular socle base.  Cast by LASSCO in our Three Pigeons workshops,
    Dimensions: 46cm (18") High, 26cm (10¼") Wide
    Stock code: 46677
  • A pair of early eighteenth century oak side chairs,

    £600 Stock code: 46404
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    A pair of early eighteenth century oak side chairs,

    the cupid's bow top rail and raised and fielded back panel over the box stretcher seats with bobbin and baluster turned fore-timbers, dowel joined, seats rebuilt; condition commensurate with age, but sound overall,
    Dimensions: 108cm (42½") High, 48cm (19") Wide, 39cm (15¼") Deep
    Stock code: 46404
  • A cast bronze group of the young Bacchus with goat,

    £580 Stock code: 46306
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    A cast bronze group of the young Bacchus with goat,

    the young deity with vine leaf garland, his foot rested on a drained ewer, feeding grapes to the standing ruminant, mounted on a circular marble base,
    Dimensions: 20cm (7¾") High, 14cm (5½") Wide, 14cm (5½") Deep
    Stock code: 46306
  • An English oak joint stool

    £550 Stock code: 47189
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    An English oak joint stool

    the radius moulded rectangular top raised on cylindrical legs, ring turned top and bottom, with inverted cup detail, united by a moulded box stretcher,
    Dimensions: 55cm (21¾") High, 46cm (18") Wide, 33cm (13") Deep, the top measures 46cm x 27.5cm,
    Stock code: 47189
  • A pair of sugarloaf magnum decanters,

    £520 Stock code: 45977
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    A pair of sugarloaf magnum decanters,

    hand blown with gilt decoration, each with original blown lozenge shaped stopper,
    Dimensions: 39cm (15¼") High, 12cm (4¾") Wide
    Stock code: 45977
  • ‘A Young Poodle, but not one of the Sagacious Breed’

    £520 Stock code: P01296
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    ‘A Young Poodle, but not one of the Sagacious Breed’

    Caricaturist, presumably of Irish background, but undocumented. Responsible for a small number of plates in a distinctive hand. Unclear whether he etched them all or only designed them. Never a publisher. Worked for P.Roberts and J.Aitken. Many unsigned prints by both men may well be by him.
    Dimensions: 41cm (16¼") High, 29cm (11½") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01296
  • George IV silver six section toast rack,

    £520 Stock code: 79168
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    George IV silver six section toast rack,

    hallmark London 1825
    Dimensions: 12.5cm (5") High, 11cm (4¼") Wide, 16.5cm (6½") Long
    Stock code: 79168
  • A set of English steel fire tools,

    £500 Stock code: 46038
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    A set of English steel fire tools,

    the poker, tongs and shovel with plain stems, the shaped handles with faceted pommels,
    Dimensions: 15cm (6") Wide, the shovel measures 78.5cm long,
    Stock code: 46038
  • painted sash window

    An attractive narrow Victorian double-hung stained glass sash window

    £495 the two sashes Stock code: 45961
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    An attractive narrow Victorian double-hung stained glass sash window

    each rectangular pine sash with leaded polychrome glass painted with a stylised foliate ornament and a scarlet ribbon border - the design uniting the two windows,
    Dimensions: 118cm (46½") High, 44cm (17¼") Wide, 6.5cm (2½") Deep
    Stock code: 45961
    £495 the two sashes
  • A country oak tilt-top tripod table

    £485 Stock code: 47094
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    A country oak tilt-top tripod table

    the circular dish top on knopped baluster stem, raised on a tripod base, the plank-cut legs with exaggerated cabriole,
    Dimensions: 74cm (29¼") High, 54cm (21¼") Wide
    Stock code: 47094
  • George III brass doctors knocker,

    £475 Stock code: 79606
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    George III brass doctors knocker,

    the striking plate a modern replacement.
    Dimensions: 20.5cm (8") High, 7cm (2¾") Wide, 8cm (3¼") Deep
    Stock code: 79606
  • A George III mahogany tilt-top tripod table

    £450 Stock code: 47097
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    A George III mahogany tilt-top tripod table

    the circular dish top on a baluster stem, raised on tripod base with lapetted legs,
    Dimensions: 69cm (27¼") High, 56.5cm (22¼") Wide, 56.5cm (22¼") in Diameter
    Stock code: 47097
  • Georgian mahogany occasional table,

    £450 Stock code: 79534
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    Georgian mahogany occasional table,

    with single piece tilt-top.
    Dimensions: 70cm (27½") High, 81cm (32") Wide
    Stock code: 79534
  • A set of late nineteenth century brass and steel fire tools,

    £450 Stock code: 46872
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    A set of late nineteenth century brass and steel fire tools,

    the steel shafted tongs, poker and shovel with knopped brass grips and reeded lidded urn termini; slight play in shovel blade and tongs, finished to a low polish, the ends age-blackened, can be fully re-polished if requested,
    Dimensions: 14cm (5½") Wide, the shovel 79.5 cm long,
    Stock code: 46872
  • A set of ten hand painted delft tiles,

    £440 the set, Stock code: 46905
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    A set of ten hand painted delft tiles,

    typical blue and white tin glazed with sea and shore scenes, no repeats, slight losses commensurate with age,
    Dimensions: 15.25cm (6") High, 15.25cm (6") Wide
    Stock code: 46905
    £440 the set,
  • George III brass serpentine fender

    £425 Stock code: k003
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    George III brass serpentine fender

    with engraved fret-cut decoration, c.1780-1800
    Dimensions: 11.5cm (4½") High, 110cm (43¼") Wide, 12cm (4¾") Deep
    Stock code: k003
  • Late Georgian brass door knocker

    £400 Stock code: k183
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    Late Georgian brass door knocker

    c.1800, with baluster rapper.
    Dimensions: 21.5cm (8½") High, 7cm (2¾") Wide, 3.5cm (1½") Deep
    Stock code: k183
  • A late Georgian cast-iron bootscraper,

    £395 Stock code: 46875
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    A late Georgian cast-iron bootscraper,

    each lyre shaped end, legs united by anthemion devices and terminating in hairy lion paw feet, set into a Yorkstone slab,
    Dimensions: 30cm (11¾") High, 46cm (18") Wide, 25cm (9¾") Deep
    Stock code: 46875
  • Sterling silver dinner spoons

    A set of four sterling silver dinner spoons,

    £380 the set Stock code: 76069
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    A set of four sterling silver dinner spoons,

    hallmarked London, dated 1792 in the reign of George III made by Peter Ann Bateman. Each having the addition of bright cut decoration.
    Dimensions: 4.5cm (1¾") Wide, 21cm (8¼") Long
    Stock code: 76069
    £380 the set
  • George III cast iron oval paterae knocker

    £350 Stock code: k199
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    George III cast iron oval paterae knocker

    Dimensions: 18.5cm (7¼") High, 12cm (4¾") Wide, 3cm (1¼") Deep
    Stock code: k199
  • A Victorian Silver salver, in the Georgian taste

    £350 Stock code: 79096
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    A Victorian Silver salver, in the Georgian taste

    A stylish sterling silver salver of circular form with a Chippendale style border. The salver stands on three scrolled feet. Having an engraved bird to centre. London hallmark 1840
    Dimensions: 3cm (1¼") High, 22cm (8¾") Wide
    Stock code: 79096
  • firedogs

    A pair of English steel and wrought iron andirons

    £325 Stock code: 46001
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    A pair of English steel and wrought iron andirons

    the bracket standards each supporting a cresset top,
    Dimensions: 50cm (19¾") High, 25cm (9¾") Wide, 50cm (19¾") Deep, each firedog
    Stock code: 46001
  • Brass lion’s mask door centre-pull

    £250 Stock code: K235
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    Brass lion’s mask door centre-pull

    mid-twentieth century
    Dimensions: 11cm (4¼") High, 7cm (2¾") Wide
    Stock code: K235
  • William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester (‘A slice of Glo’ster cheese’) by James Gillray

    £160 Stock code: AD1662
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    William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester (‘A slice of Glo’ster cheese’) by James Gillray

    A whole length hand-coloured  Georgian caricature-portrait of Prince William Frederick of Gloucester. Designed in an oval setting, the Prince is shown in profile, facing rightwards, and bearing a strong and suggestive resemblance to his uncle King George III. He is shown wearing military uniform, having served in Flanders in 1794 during the Revolutionary Wars. The Prince, later the Duke, of Gloucester had become popularly and affectionately known as 'Slice of Gloster' or simply 'Slice' by the early 1700s.
    Dimensions: 45cm (17¾") High, 30.5cm (12") Wide
    Stock code: AD1662

Featured Items

  • Comets by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £800 Stock code: P01272 C
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    Comets by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 C
  • Figure by Georges Braque, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    £800 Stock code: P01275 B
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    Figure by Georges Braque, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01275 B
  • Portrait by Andre Derain, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    £800 Stock code: P01275 G
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    Portrait by Andre Derain, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01275 G
  • Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £800 Stock code: P01272 D
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    Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 D