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526 items found

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  • A notable Victorian sandstone chimneypiece, with rouge royale marble details,-0

    A notable Victorian sandstone chimneypiece, with rouge royale marble details,

    £26,350 Stock code: 45446
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    A notable Victorian sandstone chimneypiece, with rouge royale marble details,

    the rectangular shelf edged with carved studs, above two friezes - an undermoulding dentil ornament following the inverted break and the main frieze incised with a geometric Greek key band, each of the pilaster jambs incised with opposed stylised plant forms and flanked with subsidiary corner pilasters in the contrasting marble, all raised on block feet,
    Dimensions: 138cm (54¼") High, 260cm (102¼") Wide, 49cm (19¼") Deep, (width at jambs = 226cm, Aperture 101 x 142.5cm hxw)
    Stock code: 45446
  • Atkinson Brothers Stained Glass East Window

    A spectacular George V stained glass east window

    POA Stock code: 46806
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    A spectacular George V stained glass east window

    each of the lancet-arched leaded lights with an ogee header incorporating gothic architectural crestings framing the Risen Christ appearing in a golden sunburst framed with rolling clouds to the seven witnesses - receiving the vision within a verdant landscape -all set within architectural borders, Signed: "Atkinson Bros. Newcastle Upon Tyne" in the bottom margin

    Dimensions: 330cm (130") High, 220cm (86½") Wide, 3cm (1¼") Deep, the whole window including frame (as displayed): 313h x 71w cm each pane.
    Stock code: 46806
  • Pair of large French glass eleven light chandeliers,

    Pair of large French glass eleven light chandeliers,

    £18,000 the pair Stock code: BB056
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    Pair of large French glass eleven light chandeliers,

    the baluster stem issuing two tiers of wrythen branches hung with threads of glass droplets, with ball finial to the base.
    Dimensions: 145cm (57") High, 142cm (56") Wide
    Stock code: BB056
    £18,000 the pair
  • Blue john inlaid chimneypiece

    An English Blue John inlaid white marble chimneypiece,

    £15,600 Stock code: 45107
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    An English Blue John inlaid white marble chimneypiece,

    the rectangular shelf above the panelled frieze centred with an oval patera and inlaid with a string-course of Derbyshire fluorspar, terminating with conforming greek-key inlay to the end-blocks, the Blue John bands extending down the jambs, all raised on block feet,
    Dimensions: 148.5cm (58½") High, 176cm (69¼") Wide, 21cm (8¼") Deep, (Aperture measures: 111 x 118cm h x w)
    Stock code: 45107
  • The Theatre Royal Covent Garden chimneypieces,

    Large Regency Statuary marble fireplace

    £15,000 Stock code: 77925
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    Large Regency Statuary marble fireplace

    a substantial statuary marble fireplace, c.1820-1830 in the manner of Thomas Hope, the moulded rectangular shelf above plain frieze flanked by raised and fielded panel jambs with foliate and acanthus carved capitals, on block feet.
    Dimensions: 130cm (51¼") High, 207.5cm (81¾") Wide, 38cm (15") Deep, aperture height 104 cm x 111 cm wide
    Stock code: 77925
  • Stained glass windows by Atkinson Bros after Henry Payne

    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    £12,500 the pair Stock code: 46803
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    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window with an ogee header painted with a New Testament scene, one light depicting Christ "The Good Shepherd" relating to John 10:1–21, the other  “Behold I stand at the door and knock” Revelation 3:20, the Christ figure standing at a threshold, a garden behind Him and holding a lit lantern; both lights with the figures set within an abundant garden within Gothic architectural borders, the original window dedication is given below to the Todd family of Sunderland in 1915 and 1922.  
    Dimensions: 163cm (64¼") High, 61cm (24") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46803
    £12,500 the pair
  • Angels stained glass window

    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    £12,000 the pair Stock code: 46805
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    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window with an ogee header painted with an Angel, one light depicting "Faith",  the standing figure holding attributes of the cross and a lily, the other light depicting, "Hope" , the standing figure holding an anchor and a palm frond, both figures set within an abundant landscape within Gothic architectural borders, the original window dedication was given to Sarah Grace in 1928 but was damaged on removal, *Signed "Atkinson Bros. N/C" in the bottom margin*
    Dimensions: 152cm (59¾") High, 61cm (24") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46805
    £12,000 the pair
  • A pair of Victorian stained glass windows by Charles Eamer Kempe

    A pair of good late Victorian stained glass church windows

    £12,000 the pair Stock code: 46194
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    A pair of good late Victorian stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window eloquently painted with an early New Testament scene, one light depicting The Annunciation - Mary being visited by the holy dove and an angel, the other light depicting Jesus learning joinery from St. Joseph and glancing at the wooden cross his unknowing father has created, Mary is depicted spinning wool in the house yonder,
    Dimensions: 123.5cm (48½") High, 41cm (16¼") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46194
    £12,000 the pair
  • Stained Glass Window by Atkinson Brothers

    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    £11,000 the pair Stock code: 46804
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    A pair of George V stained glass church windows

    each lancet-arched leaded window with an ogee header painted with a New Testament scene, one light depicting "I will give unto thee a Crown of Life", Revelation 2:10, Christ standing and proffering the martyr's crown to a supplicant, the other light depicting, "I am the Light of the World" John 8:12, the angel indicating the Ascension of Christ, both lights with the figures set within an abundant garden within Gothic architectural borders, the original window dedication is given below to the Alder family in 1915 and 1922.
    Dimensions: 163cm (64¼") High, 61cm (24") Wide, 1cm (0½") Deep, each window excluding display frame
    Stock code: 46804
    £11,000 the pair
  • Pair of Louis XVI style Carrara marble and ormolu mounted fireplaces,

    Louis XVI style Carrara marble and ormolu mounted fireplace,

    £7,500 Stock code: NF0145
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    Louis XVI style Carrara marble and ormolu mounted fireplace,

    the shaped and moulded shelf above frieze centred by fluted panel adorned with trails of foliage and ribbons, the paterae endblocks with beaded border raised on acanthus clasped scrolled and moulded jambs with imbricated decoration to the centre, on blockfeet, the returns with carved panel ornament.
    Dimensions: 108cm (42½") High, 150.5cm (59¼") Wide, 44cm (17¼") Deep, aperture width 110.5 cm x 80.5 cm high
    Stock code: NF0145
  • George II Clipsham stone fire surround,

    George II Clipsham stone fire surround,

    £7,250 Stock code: NF0152
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    George II Clipsham stone fire surround,

    of architectural form, the panelled header centred by fluted Keystone on stop-fluted jambs, on block feet.
    Dimensions: 124cm (48¾") High, 117.5cm (46¼") Wide, 12cm (4¾") Deep, opening width 79.5cm x 103.5cm high
    Stock code: NF0152
  • huge pithoi

    A huge terracotta pithoi,

    £6,950 Stock code: 45478
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    A huge terracotta pithoi,

    the bulbous tapered jar, glazed to the rim and interior, and held in a wrought circlet on three twisted supports with brass lion-masks at the intersections,
    Dimensions: 250cm (98½") High, 120cm (47¼") Wide
    Stock code: 45478
  • Regency chimneypiece

    A Regency style white and black marble chimneypiece,

    £6,700 Stock code: 45105
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    A Regency style white and black marble chimneypiece,

    the rectangular shelf above the frieze, centred with a tablet inlaid with an oval of the specimen marble, inlaid string courses to the frieze and jambs, with plain endblocks and feet,
    Dimensions: 117cm (46") High, 157.5cm (62") Wide, 146.5cm wide at jambs (Aperture: 97 x 109cm hxw)
    Stock code: 45105
  • Stained glaas poets

    A set of five Victorian leaded stained glass portrait windows,

    £6,000 the five panels Stock code: 46196
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    A set of five Victorian leaded stained glass portrait windows,

    each rectangular window with an arched top centred by a portrait oval of one of the great English poets, respectively: Spenser, Byron, Chaucer, Milton and Dryden, each within a strapwork cartouche - with a fruiting swag above and name-scroll below, each mounted in a later decorative scrolled steel frame,
    Dimensions: 63cm (24¾") High, 39cm (15¼") Wide, each window excluding frame
    Stock code: 46196
    £6,000 the five panels
  • Black fireplace

    A Scottish black fossil marble chimneypiece

    £5,850 Stock code: 46340
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    A Scottish black fossil marble chimneypiece

    the rectangular shelf above the plain frieze and jambs with convex mouldings heading the jambs, raised on block feet
    Dimensions: 135cm (53¼") High, 183cm (72") Wide, 38cm (15") Deep, Aperture = 103.5h x 107w cm
    Stock code: 46340
  • Railway railings

    A unique run of very early English cast-iron railway parapet railing

    £5,000 the lot Stock code: 45880
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    A unique run of very early English cast-iron railway parapet railing

    comprising six stanchions, three each of large and small - alternating, decorated with recessed panels and linked with two cast iron rails running through them; very heavily sand-cast, old paint, the rails cut for removal,
    Dimensions: 111cm (43¾") High, 1154cm (454¼") Wide
    Stock code: 45880
    £5,000 the lot
  • sundial pedestal

    An English limestone and composition stone sundial pedestal,

    £4,650 Stock code: 42550
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    An English limestone and composition stone sundial pedestal,

    the circular top raised on an octagonal section stem and spreading foot, all on a circular Yorkstone base comprising two graduated steps, each step bearing an incised dedication "**Marden Fecit 1737" and "G. Crump 1925"
    Dimensions: 120cm (47¼") High, 43cm (17") Wide, 130cm (51¼") At Widest
    Stock code: 42550
  • Coade keystone

    A wonderful example of a Georgian Coade stone keystone

    £4,625 Stock code: 47099
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    A wonderful example of a Georgian Coade stone keystone

    the lively relief portrait of a lascivious youth, grinning, emerging from the tapered keystone, the maker's mark hand-cut to the underside,
    Dimensions: 25cm (9¾") High, 24cm (9½") Wide, 24cm (9½") Deep
    Stock code: 47099
  • Substantial French 1940s parcel-gilt wrought iron chandelier,

    Substantial Italian1940s parcel-gilt wrought iron chandelier,

    £4,500 Stock code: BB043
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    Substantial Italian1940s parcel-gilt wrought iron chandelier,

    with acanthus clasped scrolled arms, with foliate nozzles and drip-trays
    Dimensions: 105cm (41¼") High, 116cm (45¾") Wide, 116cm (45¾") in Diameter
    Stock code: BB043
  • French early twentieth century gilt-metal sixteen light chandelier,

    French early twentieth century gilt-metal sixteen light chandelier,

    £4,500 Stock code: 77521
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    French early twentieth century gilt-metal sixteen light chandelier,

    hung all over with cut and moulded clear glass shaped droplets and star motifs, the central column fitted with large faceted and smaller moulded elements surrounded by an open cage issuing S- branches with turned nozzles, re-wired and PAT tested.
    Dimensions: 115cm (45¼") High, 80cm (31½") Wide
    Stock code: 77521
  • bronze fanlight overdoor

    A large polished brass demi-lune overdoor

    £4,500 Stock code: 24049
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    A large polished brass demi-lune overdoor

    the arched panel ornamented with pierced scrollwork,

    Dimensions: 137cm (54") High, 245cm (96½") Wide
    Stock code: 24049
  • Victorian iron and brass Griffin fire grate,

    Victorian iron and brass Griffin fire grate,

    £4,000 Stock code: 78245
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    Victorian iron and brass Griffin fire grate,

    the rococo backplate centred by cabochon, the grate composed of a run of doric columns with a Greek key apron band below, all supported on finely cast brass Griffin monopodia with hairy paw feet.
    Dimensions: 72.5cm (28½") High, 80cm (31½") Wide, 48.5cm (19") Deep
    Stock code: 78245
  • Gilt-brass chandelier

    A French gilt-brass and cut-glass twelve-light chandelier,

    £3,950 Stock code: 45976
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    A French gilt-brass and cut-glass twelve-light chandelier,

    the baluster stem issuing two tiers of scrolled arms, well-cast with acanthine detailing, the sconces - with lobed glass drip-pans hung with prismatic drops, the whole hung with faceted glass drops, terminating with a cluster of grapes,
    Dimensions: 92cm (36¼") High, 60cm (23½") Wide
    Stock code: 45976
  • twentieth century cut and moulded glass twelve light chandeliers,

    Two twentieth century cut and moulded glass twelve light chandeliers,

    £3,850 each Stock code: 77733
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    Two twentieth century cut and moulded glass twelve light chandeliers,

    in the eighteenth century style, with two tiers of six branches, all hung with faceted droplets. Sold individually
    Dimensions: 94cm (37") High, 90cm (35½") Wide
    Stock code: 77733
    £3,850 each
  • stone fountain

    An Italian carved limestone courtyard wall fountain,

    £3,800 Stock code: 43811
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    An Italian carved limestone courtyard wall fountain,

    the pointed arched top with an architrave, above the recessed facade centred by an integrally carved everted spout above an outset hemisphere bowl, the bowl pierced with nine smaller spouts issuing to the demi-lune pool below,
    Dimensions: 150cm (59") High, 87cm (34¼") Wide, 80cm (31½") Deep
    Stock code: 43811
  • Large Italian 1950s hall mirror,

    Large Italian 1950s hall mirror,

    £3,750 Stock code: 78289
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    Large Italian 1950s hall mirror,

    with brass bound frame, mounted on rosewood back-board, with glazed cabinet to one side.
    Dimensions: 75cm (29½") High, 283cm (111½") Wide, 9cm (3½") Deep
    Stock code: 78289
  • Pair of Art Deco style wall lights,-0

    Pair of Art Deco style wall lights,

    £3,600 Stock code: 76442
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    Pair of Art Deco style wall lights,

    with chrome and glass rod trefoil body. Available in a variety of finishes
    Dimensions: 83cm (32¾") High, 29cm (11½") Wide, 17cm (6¾") Deep
    Stock code: 76442
  • Eighteen light brass Flemish style chandelier,

    £3,500 Stock code: 79518
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    Eighteen light brass Flemish style chandelier,

    with some wear to the lacquered finish, re-wired and PAT tested, will require chain and ceiling rose.
    Dimensions: 105cm (41¼") High, 103cm (40½") Wide
    Stock code: 79518
  • Pair of Baccarat glass wall appliques,

    Pair of Baccarat glass wall appliques,

    £3,500 Stock code: 77587
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    Pair of Baccarat glass wall appliques,

    each with gadrooned backplate and scallop-edged gadrooned bowl issuing two wrythen arms, the drip-pans hung with pendant droplets, each with etched glass storm shade.
    Dimensions: 50cm (19¾") High, 37cm (14½") Wide, 31cm (12¼") Deep
    Stock code: 77587
  • Brass Flemish style chandelier,-0

    Brass Flemish style chandelier,

    £3,500 each Stock code: 76720 B
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    Brass Flemish style chandelier,

    with two tiers of six scrolled arms each with turned nozzles and drip pans.
    Dimensions: 94cm (37") High, 85cm (33½") Wide
    Stock code: 76720 B
    £3,500 each
  • Large French limestone trough,-0

    Large French limestone trough,

    £3,250 Stock code: 76793
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    Large French limestone trough,

    with rough hewn and well weathered exterior with extensive lichen growth.
    Dimensions: 62cm (24½") High, 134cm (52¾") Wide, 78cm (30¾") Deep
    Stock code: 76793
  • Pair of watercolour and ink paintings of Brighton Beach by George Charlton

    Pair of watercolour and ink paintings of Brighton Beach by George Charlton

    £3,200 the pair Stock code: GC005
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    Pair of watercolour and ink paintings of Brighton Beach by George Charlton

    The disrupted picnic, Brighton beach; and Family frolics on Brighton beach signed and dated 'George Charlton 1934' (lower right), the second signed 'George Charlton' (upper right) Framed
    Dimensions: 46.5cm (18¼") High, 58.5cm (23") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep, second painting 56 cm x 45.5 cm
    Stock code: GC005
    £3,200 the pair
  • Birdcage chandelier

    A French brass and cut-class nine-light birdcage chandelier,

    £3,000 Stock code: 45970
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    A French brass and cut-class nine-light birdcage chandelier,

    the open tri-form framework of shaped square-section bar around a central glass finial, each armature supporting a glass finial, with three scrolled arms to each interval supporting drip-pan sconces, hung over-all with faceted glass drops, terminating with a glass sphere drop,
    Dimensions: 122cm (48") High, 60cm (23½") Wide
    Stock code: 45970
  • George IV cast iron register grate,

    George IV cast iron register grate,

    £3,000 Stock code: 78299
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    George IV cast iron register grate,

    the cushion moulded frame with brass flowerhead paterae corner-blocks, the ribbed cheeks flanking bowed grate bars with delicate fret-cut apron below
    Dimensions: 101cm (39¾") High, 97.5cm (38½") Wide, 38cm (15") Deep
    Stock code: 78299
  • Late nineteenth century birdcage chandelier,

    Mid twentieth century glass birdcage chandelier,

    £3,000 Stock code: 77520
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    Mid twentieth century glass birdcage chandelier,

    having a decorative glass stem to top issuing scrolled arms with glass star details and teardrops above cut glass obelisks, leading to shaped arms terminating in lights with drip pans, further glass star and teardrop details and obelisks, the arms are heavily decorated with more drops terminating with glass ball finial.
    Dimensions: 100cm (39¼") High, 58cm (22¾") Wide
    Stock code: 77520
  • Mid-twentieth century French Louis XVI style chandelier,

    Mid-twentieth century French Louis XVI style chandelier,

    £3,000 Stock code: 77519
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    Mid-twentieth century French Louis XVI style chandelier,

    with moulded clear, smoked and amethyst coloured glass shaped droplets hung all-over and baluster shaped glass ornament on the quarters, terminating with ball finial.
    Dimensions: 88cm (34¾") High, 66cm (26") Wide
    Stock code: 77519
  • driveway gates

    A pair of English cast and wrought-iron driveway gates

    £2,950 Stock code: 45815
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    A pair of English cast and wrought-iron driveway gates

    each leaf with square section uprights topped with foliate finials (some lacking), a frieze of opposed scrolls, braced with a diagonal and with dog-bars to the lower section,
    Dimensions: 201cm (79¼") High, 244cm (96") At Highest, 305cm (120") Wide, 215cm high to top rail,
    Stock code: 45815
  • Lift shaft doors ex Oceanic House,-0

    Lift shaft doors ex Oceanic House,

    £2,850 Stock code: 31606
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    Lift shaft doors ex Oceanic House,

    The cast iron pilasters, panels and frieze of the original Lift gates from the ground floor of the headquarters of the White Star Line, owner and operator of the RMS Titanic.
    Dimensions: 233cm (91¾") High, 178cm (70") Wide, 26.5cm (10½") Deep, Aperture Height 211cm x Width 123cm
    Stock code: 31606
  • A Rake’s Progress after William Hogarth. A set of eight copper-engraved prints

    £2,800 the set of eight Stock code: P01308
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    A Rake’s Progress after William Hogarth. A set of eight copper-engraved prints

    A Rake’s Progress is a series of eight satirical engravings depicting what Hogarth called ‘modern moral subjects’.The series tells the story of Tom Rakewell, a man who inherits a fortune from his city merchant father only to fritter it away on an extravagant lifestyle which ultimately leads to his downfall.  
    Dimensions: 56cm (22") High, 48cm (19") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01308
    £2,800 the set of eight
  • Regency giltwood convex mirror

    Regency giltwood convex mirror,

    £2,800 Stock code: 78043
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    Regency giltwood convex mirror,

    having a well carved eagle on a rocky outcrop above interlocking leaf and scrolls leading to detailed circular frame including giltwood ball decoration, reeded ebonised slip and foxed mirror plate.
    Dimensions: 111cm (43¾") High, 60cm (23½") Wide
    Stock code: 78043
  • Late nineteenth century French Empire style hall lantern

    Late nineteenth century French Empire style hall lantern,

    £2,650 Stock code: nf0096
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    Late nineteenth century French Empire style hall lantern,

    of pentagonal form with gilt swan mounts to each vertex and three light suspended fitting within.
    Dimensions: 90cm (35½") High, 70cm (27½") Wide
    Stock code: nf0096
  • Art Deco stained glass

    An Art Deco stained leaded-glass window,

    £2,500 Stock code: 45840
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    An Art Deco stained leaded-glass window,

    comprising geometric panels of stained glass in a painted steel frame, with eight lights forming an abstract design of textured and coloured glass,
    Dimensions: 188cm (74") High, 158cm (62¼") Wide, 5cm (2") Deep
    Stock code: 45840
  • Mid-twentieth century polychrome painted rocking horse,

    Mid-twentieth century polychrome painted rocking horse,

    £2,500 Stock code: AA001
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    Mid-twentieth century polychrome painted rocking horse,

    with velvet upholstered saddle and horse hair mane and tail.
    Dimensions: 139cm (54¾") High, 435cm (171¼") Wide, 152cm (59¾") Long
    Stock code: AA001
  • Large Victorian cast iron fire grate,

    Large Victorian cast iron fire grate,

    £2,500 Stock code: bb035
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    Large Victorian cast iron fire grate,

    with arched backplate flanked by fleur de lys finials, the basket supported by substantial sceptre standards headed by dragons.
    Dimensions: 84cm (33") High, 133cm (52¼") Wide, 67cm (26½") Deep
    Stock code: bb035
  • Large Louis XV style overmantle mirror,

    Large Louis XV style overmantle mirror,

    £2,500 Stock code: 78045
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    Large Louis XV style overmantle mirror,

    with painted and parcel gilt detailing, centred by decorative scallop shell detail leading to S-C scroll motifs and highly decorative frame of carved and scrolling foliate design. Large plate with desirable foxing. Early twentieth century.
    Dimensions: 198cm (78") High, 138cm (54¼") Wide
    Stock code: 78045
  • Silver teal leaf patterned silk damask curtains,-0

    Silver teal leaf patterned silk damask curtains,

    £2,500 a pair Stock code: 76849
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    Silver teal leaf patterned silk damask curtains,

    with matching drapes, pelmet, and tasselled rope ties. Pelmet width 210 cm.   Condition: lining in good order. Extensive sun bleaching and damage to the exposed edges of each pair leading to degradation of the silk. Edges will require taking in.
    Dimensions: 415cm (163½") High, 210cm (82¾") Wide
    Stock code: 76849
    £2,500 a pair
  • Coral floral patterned silk damask curtains,-0

    Coral floral patterned silk damask curtains,

    £2,500 a pair Stock code: 76848
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    Coral floral patterned silk damask curtains,

    with matching drapes, pelmet, and tasselled rope ties. Pelmet width 165 cm.
    Dimensions: 375cm (147¾") High, 165cm (65") Wide
    Stock code: 76848
    £2,500 a pair
  • Red floral patterned silk damask curtains,-0

    Red floral patterned silk damask curtains,

    £2,500 a pair Stock code: 76847
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    Red floral patterned silk damask curtains,

    with matching drapes and pelmet and tasselled rope ties. Pelmet width is 165 cm.
    Dimensions: 165cm (65") Wide, 375cm (147¾") Long, Dimensions are approximate.
    Stock code: 76847
    £2,500 a pair
  • An English lead cistern with lion spout

    An English lead cistern with lion mask spout

    £2,500 Stock code: 91073
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    An English lead cistern with lion mask spout

    semi-circular in section and cast with repeating panels of raised strapwork moulding surmounted by an arched backplate cast in relief with a lion mask.  With a pump pack.6 - 8 week lead time.

    Dimensions: 99cm (39") High, 89cm (35") Wide, 33cm (13") Deep
    Stock code: 91073
  • English lead cistern

    English lead cistern,

    £2,300 Stock code: 77841
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    English lead cistern,

    cast to the front and sides with repeating panels of raised moulding.
    Dimensions: 71cm (28") High, 70cm (27½") Wide, 69cm (27¼") Deep
    Stock code: 77841
  • Original 1937 advertising poster, Valmya Grand Vin Genereux Doux,

    £2,250 Stock code: 79335
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    Original 1937 advertising poster, Valmya Grand Vin Genereux Doux,

    Original linen backed vintage poster, 63" x 47".
    Dimensions: 167cm (65¾") High, 126cm (49½") Wide, 2.5cm (1") Deep
    Stock code: 79335
  • stained glass fanlight

    An English stained glass church overdoor fanlight window,

    £2,250 Stock code: 49179
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    An English stained glass church overdoor fanlight window,

    the demi-lune panel glazed with leaded rectangles of polychrome glass, centred by a lozenge depicting the holy cup within a starburst, in a hardwood frame,
    Dimensions: 104cm (41") High, 205cm (80¾") Wide, 8.5cm (3¼") Thick, in its frame
    Stock code: 49179
  • Marriage-a-la Mode, after William Hogarth. A set of six copper-engraved prints

    £2,200 the set of six Stock code: P01310
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    Marriage-a-la Mode, after William Hogarth. A set of six copper-engraved prints

    Marriage-a-la Mode is the story is of a marriage arranged by two self-seeking fathers – a spendthrift nobleman who needs cash and a wealthy City of London merchant who wants to buy into the aristocracy. It was Hogarth’s first moralising series of what he called ‘modern moral subjects’.
    Dimensions: 52cm (20½") High, 60cm (23½") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01310
    £2,200 the set of six
  • set of gates

    A pair of English wrought iron driveway gates,

    £2,200 the set Stock code: 45425
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    A pair of English wrought iron driveway gates,

    each of the gates with a field of upright spears bound by a geometric undulating rail, small spikes studding the top bar,
    Dimensions: 186cm (73¼") High, 360cm (141¾") Wide, the pair - excluding hinges (the pedestrian gate 88cm wide)
    Stock code: 45425
    £2,200 the set
  • fanlight window

    A rare George III leaded glazed fanlight window,

    £2,150 Stock code: 45120
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    A rare George III leaded glazed fanlight window,

    with radial bars, scrolled foliate details and floral bosses,
    Dimensions: 68cm (26¾") High, 134cm (52¾") Wide, 4cm (1½") Thick
    Stock code: 45120
  • St George Street glass and brass Italian chandeliers,

    St George Street glass and brass Italian chandelier,

    £2,000 each Stock code: 78004
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    St George Street glass and brass Italian chandelier,

    the six curved glass arms with brass collars and opal glass shades issuing from central brass stem.
    Dimensions: 72.5cm (28½") High, 105cm (41¼") Wide
    Stock code: 78004
    £2,000 each
  • Georgian hobgrate

    An early George III cast iron hob grate

    £1,950 Stock code: 45875
    Add to Wishlist

    An early George III cast iron hob grate

    the rectangular backplate above the bowed railed basket with a pierced steel apron, the panelled hob-fronts with guilloche borders cast in relief with pineapples,
    Dimensions: 67cm (26½") High, 87cm (34¼") Wide, 33cm (13") Deep, (59cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 45875
  • Art Deco copperlight doors

    A pair of Art Deco copperlight glazed doors

    £1,950 the pair Stock code: 45747
    Add to Wishlist

    A pair of Art Deco copperlight glazed doors

    each with a central rectangular panel of rectilinear glazing within a timber frame - the vertical glazing bars forming interlocked arcades in the upper section,
    Dimensions: 213cm (83¾") High, 152cm (59¾") Wide, 6cm (2¼") Deep
    Stock code: 45747
    £1,950 the pair
  • lanterns

    A pair of late Victorian copper Winsor lanterns,

    £1,950 Stock code: 45350
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    A pair of late Victorian copper Winsor lanterns,

    each glazed square-section tapered lantern, with spinnings above, raised on a four-prong chair-iron,
    Dimensions: 118cm (46½") High, 43cm (17") Wide, including frog
    Stock code: 45350
  • fanlight window

    An English leaded glass overdoor fanlight window,

    £1,950 Stock code: 45141
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    An English leaded glass overdoor fanlight window,

    the demi-lune panel glazed with repeating lozenge-shaped panes within a lattice field,
    Dimensions: 85cm (33½") High, 152cm (59¾") Wide
    Stock code: 45141
  • lion mask

    An Art Deco Portland stone lion-mask keystone,

    £1,950 Stock code: 44616
    Add to Wishlist

    An Art Deco Portland stone lion-mask keystone,

    the maned beast snarling,
    Dimensions: 57cm (22½") High, 46cm (18") Wide, 32cm (12½") Deep
    Stock code: 44616
  • Georgian hob grate

    A late George III cast iron hob grate

    £1,880 Stock code: 46866
    Add to Wishlist

    A late George III cast iron hob grate

    the rectangular backplate (later) above the bowed railed basket with a fluted apron, each side of the panelled stove front ornamented in relief with a classical column topped with a lidded urn,
    Dimensions: 60cm (23½") High, 76cm (30") Wide, 26cm (10¼") Deep, (59cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46866
  • Camberwell Lantern

    An English copper “Camberwell” pattern street lantern,

    £1,875 Stock code: 45409
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    An English copper “Camberwell” pattern street lantern,

    the square section tapered body with cupped spinnings a cylindrical chimney vent atop the tented roof constructed from opaque enamelled panels, all raised on a four-pronged chair-iron, the electric lamp-holder wired from the base,
    Dimensions: 118cm (46½") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, including chair-iron
    Stock code: 45409
  • railings for steps

    A suite of English railing for a townhouse frontage,

    £1,860 the lot Stock code: 45411
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    A suite of English railing for a townhouse frontage,

    comprising two staright panels and a pair of swept panels to flank rising entrance steps, with spear-topped finials and square section bar uprights, ornamented with balustered newels and panels of shaped wrought iron, flaming urn finials to the newels - some lacking,
    Dimensions: 151cm (59½") High, 226cm (89") Wide, one flat panel, the other 290cm wide, the swept panels approximately 165 wide as they curve and giving a rise of approximately 35cm. (height from top to bottom rail = 113cm)
    Stock code: 45411
    £1,860 the lot
  • 1960s Italian tubular brass chandelier,

    1960s Italian tubular brass chandelier,

    £1,850 Stock code: 78292
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    1960s Italian tubular brass chandelier,

    the twelve tubes alternatively illuminating ceiling and floor bound, PAT tested.
    Dimensions: 84cm (33") High, 58.5cm (23") Wide
    Stock code: 78292
  • Little Boy Blue pantomime poster,-0

    Little Boy Blue pantomime poster

    £1,850 Stock code: 31700
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    Little Boy Blue pantomime poster

    A framed pantomime poster featuring Little Boy Blue,
    Dimensions: 228cm (89¾") High, 167cm (65¾") Wide, 3cm (1¼") Deep
    Stock code: 31700
  • Pair of quatrefoil stained glass windows

    A pair of large late Victorian stained glass windows

    £1,800 the pair Stock code: 46193
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    A pair of large late Victorian stained glass windows

    each square window of leaded polychrome glass on an obscured glass field, centred with a large quatrefoil, with foliate painted ornament and inset with bullion roundels,
    Dimensions: 78cm (30¾") High, 78cm (30¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep, each window excluding frame
    Stock code: 46193
    £1,800 the pair
  • Georgian hob grate

    A nicely cast late George III cast iron hob grate

    £1,750 Stock code: 46273
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    A nicely cast late George III cast iron hob grate

    the backplate with foliate crestings above the bowed railed basket with an apron cast with fruiting vines, the hob-fronts modelled as pilasters with guilloche wreaths, the cheeks with lambrequin bordered panels,
    Dimensions: 67cm (26½") High, 81cm (32") Wide, 28cm (11") Deep, (54cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46273
  • farmhouse font

    An old stone farmhouse font,

    £1,750 Stock code: 45361
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    An old stone farmhouse font,

    the cylindrical planter rasied on a tapered staddle base and mill-stone foot,
    Dimensions: 98cm (38½") High, 78cm (30¾") Wide, 63cm (24¾") in Diameter, (width of millstone base, diameter of top section)
    Stock code: 45361
  • Victorian style copper Winsor lantern

    Small Victorian style copper Winsor lantern,

    £1,650 Stock code: 75164
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    Small Victorian style copper Winsor lantern,

    the spun finial above glazed and tapered body with single light fitment within, suspended by wrought iron bracket with scrolled support. Available painted or polished (unlacquered). Up to eight weeks lead time, please call for more information.
    Dimensions: 61cm (24") High, 28cm (11") Wide, 58.5cm (23") Deep
    Stock code: 75164
  • A pair of large cast and wrought iron Renaissance revival fire dogs-0

    A pair of large cast and wrought iron Renaissance revival fire dogs

    £1,650 Stock code: 44659
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    A pair of large cast and wrought iron Renaissance revival fire dogs

    the large mace head finials atop knopped faceted stems and scrolled wrought supports,
    Dimensions: 75cm (29½") High, 34cm (13½") Wide, 66cm (26") Deep, the billet bars extending back 53cm,
    Stock code: 44659
  • Gilt bronze wall-light

    A beautifully cast French gilt bronze three-branch wall light,

    £1,650 Stock code: 43831
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    A beautifully cast French gilt bronze three-branch wall light,

    the wrythen tapered backplate cast as a quiver full of arrows, issuing the U-scrolled arms with stiff-leaf clasps, suspending fruiting swags and supporting foliate sconces with wide drip-pans,
    Dimensions: 59cm (23¼") High, 41cm (16¼") Wide, 30cm (11¾") Deep
    Stock code: 43831
  • Stable back lamps,-0

    Stable back lamps,

    £1,650 each Stock code: 75165
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    Stable back lamps,

    copper with detachable reflector plates. We currently have one in stock, if you would like more please contact us.
    Dimensions: 46cm (18") High, 24cm (9½") Wide, 19cm (7½") Deep, width at narrowest 18cm
    Stock code: 75165
    £1,650 each
  • Foley Lodge, Hampstead by George Charlton

    Foley Lodge, Hampstead by George Charlton

    £1,600 Stock code: GC002
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    Foley Lodge, Hampstead by George Charlton

    Foley Lodge is on East Heath Road, very close to the residence of George Charlton. Framed
    Dimensions: 38cm (15") High, 48.5cm (19") Wide, 1.5cm (0½") Deep
    Stock code: GC002
  • Opening of WellHouse, by George charlton

    Opening of Well House, by George Charlton

    £1,600 Stock code: GC007
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    Opening of Well House, by George Charlton

    In 1929 Charlton married Daphne a student at the Slade, he was 30 and she 19. They later purchased 40 New End Square, Hampstead, in 1932 which quickly became a hub of artistic activity. This painting shows the official opening of the flats. Framed
    Dimensions: 49.5cm (19½") High, 59cm (23¼") Wide, 2.5cm (1") Deep
    Stock code: GC007
  • French early twentieth century style glazed lanterns,

    French early twentieth century style glazed lantern,

    £1,500 Stock code: BB047
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    French early twentieth century style glazed lantern,

    of typical form with spun top above tapered body, with four light fitting within, all painted dark green.
    Dimensions: 84cm (33") High, 43cm (17") Wide, 43cm (17") in Diameter
    Stock code: BB047
  • Market Day by George Charlton

    Market Day by George Charlton

    £1,500 Stock code: GC008
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    Market Day by George Charlton

    Evocative watercolour painted whilst he was teaching at the Slade in 1924. It shows Newbury Granary store, which is now in the middle of a car park. Framed
    Dimensions: 48cm (19") High, 60.5cm (23¾") Wide, 2.5cm (1") Deep
    Stock code: GC008
  • Walton-on-the-Naze by George Charlton

    Walton-on-the-Naze by George Charlton

    £1,500 Stock code: GC006
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    Walton-on-the-Naze by George Charlton

    Painted in 1947. Framed watercolour
    Dimensions: 44.5cm (17½") High, 57cm (22½") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: GC006
  • Dutch style chandelier-0

    Dutch style chandelier

    £1,500 Stock code: 73993
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    Dutch style chandelier

    the brass baluster column issuing two tiers of twelve aluminium foliate branches,

    restored, rewired and PAT tested (with dents to ball)


    Dimensions: 94cm (37") High, 85cm (33½") Wide
    Stock code: 73993
  • Italian mid-nineteenth century bronze bust of Lucius Verus,

    Italian mid-nineteenth century bronze bust of Lucius Verus,

    £1,450 Stock code: nf0095
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    Italian mid-nineteenth century bronze bust of Lucius Verus,

    on circular waisted socle.
    Dimensions: 24cm (9½") High, 11cm (4¼") Wide, 11cm (4¼") Deep
    Stock code: nf0095
  • Octagonal Art Deco chrome lantern,-0

    Octagonal Art Deco chrome lantern,

    £1,450 Stock code: 76866
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    Octagonal Art Deco chrome lantern,

    each face glazed with opaline glass, suspended from ceiling rose by four rods.
    Dimensions: 76cm (30") High, 31cm (12¼") Wide
    Stock code: 76866
  • Firegrate

    A George III style engraved steel and cast iron fire basket,

    £1,425 Stock code: 48896
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    A George III style engraved steel and cast iron fire basket,

    the rectangular back-plate above the railed basket with serpentine bars urn finial surmounts and a pierced apron, raised on outswept baluster supports,
    Dimensions: 54cm (21¼") High, 53cm (20¾") Wide, 29cm (11½") Deep, at highest/widest/deepest
    Stock code: 48896
  • Juliette balcony

    An English forge-made steel balcony,

    £1,425 Stock code: 44608
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    An English forge-made steel balcony,

    the curved top rail supported on steel over-scrolling whips, the curvaceous verticals creating a serpentine curve,
    Dimensions: 104cm (41") High, 289cm (113¾") Wide, 331cm (130¼") Long, (the rail)
    Stock code: 44608
  • Nineteenth century style six light glass chandelier,

    Nineteenth century style six light glass chandelier,

    £1,400 Stock code: 78113
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    Nineteenth century style six light glass chandelier,

    the inverted corona hung with pendants and beads above baluster stem, each arm with drip-pan hung with further pendants, re-wired and PAT tested.
    Dimensions: 84cm (33") High, 64cm (25¼") Wide
    Stock code: 78113
  • Stable lantern with two simulated oil lamp fittings-0

    Stable lantern with two simulated oil lamp fittings

    £1,400 Stock code: 19089
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    Stable lantern with two simulated oil lamp fittings

    Dimensions: 57cm (22½") High, 32cm (12½") Wide, 21.5cm (8½") Deep
    Stock code: 19089
  • Victorian club fender

    A Victorian brass club fender

    £1,350 Stock code: 45925
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    A Victorian brass club fender

    the brass moulded seat rail on circular section supports, raised on a moulded curb and steel hearth plate, with fire-iron hooks to each corner,
    Dimensions: 61cm (24") High, 154cm (60¾") Wide, 22cm (8¾") Deep, (the hearth base plate extends deeper to 33cm)
    Stock code: 45925
  • An English lead cistern

    English lead cistern

    £1,300 Stock code: 91072
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    English lead cistern

    circular in section and cast with repeating panels of raised moulding, we currently have two in stock at our Brunswick House branch.
    Dimensions: 52cm (20½") High, 52cm (20½") Wide
    Stock code: 91072
  • Victorian railing

    A Victorian section of wrought iron railing,

    £1,280 Stock code: 44807
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    A Victorian section of wrought iron railing,

    comprising two framed square fields of scrollwork with three scrolled bracket finials on the top rail.
    Dimensions: 134cm (52¾") High, 220cm (86½") Wide
    Stock code: 44807
  • Foster & Pullen lantern

    A Victorian “Foster and Pullen” copper gas street lantern,

    £1,250 Stock code: 45408
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    A Victorian “Foster and Pullen” copper gas street lantern,

    the square section tapered body with cupped spinnings atop the tented roof, all raised on a four-pronged chair-iron, the electric lamp-holder wired from the soffit,
    Dimensions: 108cm (42½") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, including the chair-iron,
    Stock code: 45408
  • Stone cornucopia

    A pair of Italian carved tufa stone cornucopia,

    £1,250 Stock code: 44829
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    A pair of Italian carved tufa stone cornucopia,

    each of the opposed pair carved as a flared wrythen fluted shell, laden with fruit,
    Dimensions: 50cm (19¾") High, 37cm (14½") Wide
    Stock code: 44829
  • The Dance, by Henri Matisse, Jan – March 1939 / No. 4.

    £1,200 Stock code: P01273 G
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    The Dance, by Henri Matisse, Jan – March 1939 / No. 4.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 50cm (19¾") High, 67cm (26½") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01273 G
  • Large early twentieth century French reverse painted caterers signboard,

    Large early twentieth century French reverse painted caterers signboard,

    £1,200 Stock code: 78074
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    Large early twentieth century French reverse painted caterers signboard,

    mounted in later frame
    Dimensions: 73cm (28¾") High, 295.5cm (116¼") Wide, 7cm (2¾") Deep
    Stock code: 78074
  • Twelve light Flemish style chandelier,-0

    Twelve light Flemish style chandelier,

    £1,200 Stock code: 75444 B
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    Twelve light Flemish style chandelier,

    the knopped stem issuing two tiers of branches.
    Dimensions: 91cm (35¾") High, 70cm (27½") Wide
    Stock code: 75444 B
  • Twelve light Flemish style chandelier

    Twelve light Flemish style chandelier,

    £1,200 Stock code: 75444 A
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    Twelve light Flemish style chandelier,

    the knopped stem issuing two tiers of branches.
    Dimensions: 92cm (36¼") High, 80cm (31½") Wide
    Stock code: 75444 A
  • Royal College of Surgeons sapele pilasters,-0

    Royal College of Surgeons sapele pilasters,

    £1,200 a pair Stock code: 77315
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    Royal College of Surgeons sapele pilasters,

    Roman Doric order, with fluted shafts. One pair available.
    Dimensions: 315cm (124") High, 56cm (22") Wide, 14cm (5½") Deep
    Stock code: 77315
    £1,200 a pair
  • glazed doors

    A pair of English glazed mahogany doors ,

    £1,200 Stock code: 44098
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    A pair of English glazed mahogany doors ,

    with large clear glass panels,
    Dimensions: 237cm (93¼") High, 169cm (66½") Wide, 4cm (1½") Thick
    Stock code: 44098
  • Brass wall mounted lantern, -0

    Brass wall mounted lantern,

    £1,200 Stock code: 75807
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    Brass wall mounted lantern,

    the tapered body with bevelled glass panels. Re-wired.
    Dimensions: 50cm (19¾") High, 26.5cm (10½") Wide, 17cm (6¾") Deep
    Stock code: 75807
  • weathervane

    An early Victorian copper and wrought iron weathervane

    £1,185 Stock code: 46392
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    An early Victorian copper and wrought iron weathervane

    the pennant vane (later) modelled in sheet steel, the indices mounted on a round-section standard set in a sandstone pedestal,
    Dimensions: 240cm (94½") High, 122cm (48") Wide
    Stock code: 46392
  • Arts and Crafts firegrate

    An Arts and Crafts wrought iron fire basket

    £1,175 Stock code: 46275
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    An Arts and Crafts wrought iron fire basket

    the small backplate with heart shaped finials above the shaped railed basket integrating standards with knopped surmounts,
    Dimensions: 38.5cm (15¼") High, 47cm (18½") Wide, 30.05cm (11¾") Deep, (30cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46275
  • Regency gothick hob grate

    A small Regency gothick cast iron hob grate

    £1,150 Stock code: 46272
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    A small Regency gothick cast iron hob grate

    the rectangular backplate, probably later, cast with repeating foliate loops above the railed basket flanked by hob-fronts cast with lancet-arched recesses, the apron pierced with quatrefoils above the aperture cast as a Tudor arch,
    Dimensions: 60cm (23½") High, 51cm (20") Wide, 25cm (9¾") Deep, (46.5cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46272

Featured Items

  • Portrait by Andre Derain, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    £800 Stock code: P01275 G
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    Portrait by Andre Derain, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01275 G
  • 18th Century French Engravings of Dogs

    £175 each Stock code: P01266 O
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    18th Century French Engravings of Dogs

    Published for, Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière (1749–1804), which was the first modern attempt to systematically present all existing knowledge in the fields of natural history, geology, and anthropology.
    Dimensions: 36cm (14¼") High, 31cm (12¼") Wide, 13cm (5") Deep
    Stock code: P01266 O
    £175 each
  • Portraits Part I by Constantin Guys, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    £500 Stock code: P01275 D
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    Portraits Part I by Constantin Guys, Verve Vol 2 / No. 5-6.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01275 D
  • Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £800 Stock code: P01272 D
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    Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 D