Tenjin Festival (天神祭)
Born in Kobe 1923, Yuzaburo started studying woodblock print making with his father when he was eight years old. At the age of nineteen, his skill was such that he exhibited at the 11th Nihon Hanga Kyōkai (Japan Print Association) exhibition, winning a first prize, but it was not until he graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University in 1947, an education that was interrupted by the 1942 wartime Student Mobilization Order., that he became a full-time print maker. After the death of his father in 1965, Yūzaburō was to go on to become a leader in the creative print genre (sosaku hanga) in the Kansai region. was a member of Japan Print Association and a member of Kokuga Association
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20th century woodblock print by Yuzaburo Kawanishi depicting the Tenjin Festival (天神祭). Presented in a cream mount and faux bamboo frame.