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An Edwardian steel safety deposit box tower

Reputedly removed from The Ritz, probably by Holmes & Son of High Holborn

Archived Stock - This item is no longer available

An Edwardian steel safety deposit box tower

Reputedly removed from The Ritz, probably by Holmes & Son of High Holborn

the polished cabinet comprising a stack of three chests with, respectively twenty, nine and six doors consecutively numbered 680 through 722; each pigeon-hole with a lidded tole-peint liner, the lower section with a slide drawer, each door with a working Chubb lock and exclusively numbered key, all raised on a plain plinth base,


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Dimensions: 223cm (87¾") High, 65cm (25½") Wide, 54cm (21¼") Deep
Stock code: 42469

It is thought that this impressive safe, obviously originally part of a longer run was originally installed at The Ritz, Piccadilly - presumeably as part of the original build. It opened on 24th May 1906 - the first major steel-framed building in London. Research continues.


Some of the box liners are lacking and some bear a different makers label "Henry & Co" of the same address as Holmes & Son: Hand Court High Holborn.