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12 items found

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  • A General Prospect of Vaux Hall Gardens. Shewing at one View the disposition of the whole Gardens. Vüe Détaillee des Jardins de Vaux Hall.

    £850 Stock code: P01259
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    A General Prospect of Vaux Hall Gardens. Shewing at one View the disposition of the whole Gardens. Vüe Détaillee des Jardins de Vaux Hall.

    Originally engraved by William Simpkins (fl.1784-1825) for Owen Manning and William Bray’s “History and Antiquities of Surrey” (1804-1814).
    Dimensions: 45cm (17¾") High, 57cm (22½") Wide, 4cm (1½") Deep
    Stock code: P01259
  • Vue D’une partie du Voxhal de Londres

    £600 Stock code: P01287
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    Vue D’une partie du Voxhal de Londres

    The Temple of Comus was named… after the god of cheer and good food. The building, which, although primarily devoted to dining, allowed for the appreciation of the arts and music as well as polite conversation in civilised surroundings. Initially, the building was “classical in style, with a colonnade of Ionic columns supporting a straight entablature, topped with urn finials; the semicircle flowed in a smooth curve out of the straight colonnade of the northern range of supper-boxes.” However, the designer also incorporated Gothic arches and “broad-ramped scrolls that acted as buttresses for the dome” and other unorthodox details. “The apparent breaking of architectural rules, mingling different styles in the same building, was deliberate and entirely typical of the unorthodox design of the English Rococo, which aimed to create playful, light-hearted works.”

    Dimensions: 37.5cm (14¾") High, 50.5cm (20") Wide, 3cm (1¼") Deep
    Stock code: P01287
  • The Triumphal Arches, Mr. Handel’s Statue & c. in the South Walk of Vauxhall Gardens

    £495 Stock code: P01052
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    The Triumphal Arches, Mr. Handel’s Statue & c. in the South Walk of Vauxhall Gardens

    Based on the work by Samuel Wale and engraved by Benjamin Cole in 1752. Mounted and presented in a Hogarth style frame.
    Dimensions: 32.5cm (12¾") High, 43.5cm (17¼") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01052
  • The Grand South Walk in Vaux-Hall Gardens, with the Triumphal Arches, Mr Handels Statue, &c.

    £450 Stock code: P00833
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    The Grand South Walk in Vaux-Hall Gardens, with the Triumphal Arches, Mr Handels Statue, &c.

    Dimensions: 32cm (12½") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 1.5cm (0½") Deep
    Stock code: P00833
  • The Grand South Walk in Vaux-Hall Gardens, with the Triumphal Arches, Mr Handels Statue, &c.

    £380 Stock code: P01260
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    The Grand South Walk in Vaux-Hall Gardens, with the Triumphal Arches, Mr Handels Statue, &c.

    Dimensions: 32cm (12½") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 1.5cm (0½") Deep
    Stock code: P01260
  • View of the Antient Manor House of Fawkeshall

    £280 Stock code: P01054
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    View of the Antient Manor House of Fawkeshall

    Historical engraving featuring a map of the area. Presented in a Hogarth pattern frame.
    Dimensions: 24cm (9½") High, 39cm (15¼") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01054
  • The Effusions of Loyalty, to be performed this evening at Vauxhall Gardens

    £240 Stock code: P01057
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    The Effusions of Loyalty, to be performed this evening at Vauxhall Gardens

    Written by M.P. Andrews, Esq. and composed by Mr. Hook
    Dimensions: 41cm (16¼") High, 24cm (9½") Wide, 2.5cm (1") Deep
    Stock code: P01057
  • Vauxhall Bridge by Willian Tombleson

    £220 Stock code: P01285
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    Vauxhall Bridge by Willian Tombleson

    Engraved by Henry Winkles from the original study by William Tombleson. Originally published in the part-work series “Tombleson’s Views of the Thames and Medway” (London : 1833-1834).
    Dimensions: 30.5cm (12") High, 35cm (13¾") Wide, 4.5cm (1¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01285
  • Plan of Vauxhall Gardens

    £220 Stock code: P01258
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    Plan of Vauxhall Gardens

    Originally engraved by William Simpkins (fl.1784-1825) for Owen Manning and William Bray’s “History and Antiquities of Surrey” (1804-1814).
    Dimensions: 36cm (14¼") High, 51cm (20") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01258
  • Vauxhall Bridge from Mill Bank

    £195 Stock code: P01214
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    Vauxhall Bridge from Mill Bank

    Vauxhall Bridge as viewed from Millbank in 1826. The bridge was begun in 1811 and opened to the public in August 1816.
    Dimensions: 31cm (12¼") High, 35cm (13¾") Wide, 3cm (1¼") Deep
    Stock code: P01214
  • Westminster from Vauxhall

    £190 Stock code: A077
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    Westminster from Vauxhall

    A hand-coloured engraving by George Cooke of a watercolour by Samuel Prout showing a view across the Thames from the Vauxhall shore towards Westminster Cathedral and the Palace of Westminster. Taken from Cooke's 'Views in London and its Vicinity'. In the immediate foreground we are presented with a scene outside a Lambeth boat-builders yard while barges and wherries crowd the river in the middle distance. On the Westminster shore we can see St John's Smith Square and beyond that the massy bulk of Westminster Abbey, later to sit in a somewhat diminished relation to Barry and Pugin's rebuilt Houses of Parliament of 1840-1876 Samuel Prout was a great favourite of John Ruskin who went as far as to comment in 1844, "Sometimes I tire of Turner, but never of Prout". Prout was noted for his paintings of great European cities and picturesque ruins and particularly for his ability to imbue his subjects with 'breadth and largeness'. George Cooke was leading English line-engraver of the 19th Century and commissioned eight of leading British landscape artists to create works, including this, for his 1826 collection of 'Views in London and its Vicinity'. This is a first edition of 1827. Interestingly the old Palace of Westminster, depicted here, would burn to the ground only seven years after this work was created.
    Dimensions: 1cm (0½") Wide
    Stock code: A077
  • Bridge, Church Street, Vauxhall.

    £120 Stock code: P01289
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    Bridge, Church Street, Vauxhall.

    This view shows Bridge Street which was the Thames end of Lambeth Road and famously appeared 100 years later in the Ealing film, Passport to Pimlico!
    Dimensions: 23.5cm (9¼") High, 28.5cm (11¼") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01289

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  • Printemps by Marc Chagall, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 3.

    £800 Stock code: P01274 A
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    Printemps by Marc Chagall, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 3.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01274 A
  • The Dance, by Henri Matisse, Jan – March 1939 / No. 4.

    £1,200 Stock code: P01273 G
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    The Dance, by Henri Matisse, Jan – March 1939 / No. 4.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 50cm (19¾") High, 67cm (26½") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01273 G
  • The Four Elements, Earth by Francisco Bores, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 1.

    £600 Stock code: P01270 C
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    The Four Elements, Earth by Francisco Bores, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 1.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01270 C
  • Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £800 Stock code: P01272 D
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    Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 D