LASSCO Will Be Hosting A Series Of Guest Speakers On the History Of Design And Architecture At Brunswick House.
Following the success of our first evening lecture series, LASSCO and Historic Decoration are delighted to announce the second offering of Salon Wednesdays. After an autumnal hiatus we begin again in January; the fire will be lit and again our expert lecturers will be speaking on a broad range of topics relating to the History of Design and Architecture.
Ask questions, meet kindred spirits, enjoy our shop by candlelight, bring friends, stay for dinner in our celebrated restaurant– choose from a selection of successive talks, brought in association with our friends at Historic Decoration. We look forward to welcoming all to Brunswick House – our fabulous Georgian mansion – for what promises to be an entertaining, fun and educational evening out.
This series we welcome Dr Frances Sands, Patrick Baty, Edward Bulmer, Francis Terry, Simon Willcox, Harry Triggs & Andrew Molyneux, all leaders in their respective fields and each with a fascinating talk lined up.
Tickets are £25 for each lecture and include wine. Post-lecture sustenance can be sought at our celebrated restaurant, Brunswick House, in the Concert Hall adjacent.
Buy Tickets here:
January 23rd Dr Frances Sands, curator of drawings and books at the Soane Museum
Through a brief history of classicism in British interior design, Dr Frances Sands will explore the origins and evolution of the differing forms of classical design, as well as considering which specific decorative vocabularies belong to which era.
February 20th Patrick Baty, historic paint consultant
From pigments and binders, to distempers and lime washes; Patrick Baty will explain paint in the most colourful of ways.
March 13th Edward Bulmer, interior designer and paint specialist
The paint expert and interior designer, Edward Bulmer, will give an enlightening talk on what constitutes traditional colour, its uses and the benefits of getting it right.
April 24th Francis Terry, ‘new- classical’ architect
Francis Terry is the next generation of a new classical dynasty. He will explain his own motives for using the classical style, its successes, challenges and benefits.
May 15th Harry Triggs & Andrew Molyneux of TM Lighting, art lighting specialists
Lighting can make or break an interior design concept. TM Lighting will explore light effects for the historic interior, as well as giving useful tips on general fine lighting.
June 14th Simon Willcox of Locker & Riley – artisans in historic plaster
Simon Willcox will explore the uses of decorative plasterwork through the ages and explain its exciting uses today.