Please find below the opening hours for the three LASSCO shops – and associated restaurants and market – over the Easter holiday weekend 2018. With the exception of Good Friday, at least one of the shops is open on each day and, if we can help with each others’ enquiries we always will – so please ring if you need assistance. More of our stock than ever before is now available via eCommerce – so do Browse through the diverse categories on our website for anything you are looking for. For table and event bookings in our restaurants – please click here.
LASSCO Three Pigeons, Milton Common, Oxfordshire, OX9 2JN 01844 277188
Good Friday: Shop Closed (Restaurant open to usual hours)
Easter Saturday: Shop Open as usual 9am to 5pm (Restaurant open to usual hours)
Easter Sunday: Shop Closed as usual (Restaurant will be open as usual for Lunch)
Easter Monday: Shop Open to limited hours: 11am – 3pm (Restaurant open to usual hours)
LASSCO Brunswick House, Vauxhall, London, SW8 2LG 020 7394 2100
Good Friday: Shop Closed (Restaurant open to usual hours)
Easter Saturday: Shop Open as usual 10am to 5pm (Restaurant open to usual hours)
Easter Sunday: Shop Open as usual 11am to 5pm (Restaurant open to usual hours)
Easter Monday: Shop Closed (Restaurant Closed)
LASSCO Ropewalk, Bermondsey, London, SE1 3PA 020 7394 8061
Good Friday: Shop Closed
Easter Saturday: Shop Open as usual 9am to 5pm (Maltby St. Market Open 10am -5pm)
Easter Sunday: Shop Open as usual 11am to 5pm (Maltby St. Market Open 11am -4pm)
Easter Monday: Shop Closed