On Friday morning (20th March 2015), for a while, we’ll be in the shade as the moon slips in front of the sun. In Denmark it’ll be a total eclipse.
Of course you’ll be wanting a lunar globe to properly demonstrate the dynamics of an eclipse, and this one happens to be Danish:

It can be dated to 1970 as it has the landing sites of Apollo 11 marked on, and Apollo 12 (but not 14 or later). It is available at LASSCO Three Pigeons, together with terrestrial globes at all LASSCO shops (the lunar globe details here).
At lunchtime, the moon on its way, you will again be able to consult your sundial. If you need a sundial we can help with that too: Sundials

Armillary spheres such as the one pictured work by a central spindle acting as the gnomen – its shadow moves across an incised dial on the inside of the main hemisphere. They are beautifully sculptural, even during an eclipse.
More information about tomorrow’s eclipse here.