The sun is out and it looks like it is going to be a glorious Bank Holiday weekend. We all deserve it. There is nothing better than a visit to one of the LASSCO shops – come for a mooch, find something for the garden, sit in the sun and have a coffee, or lunch – you know what to do!
LASSCO Three Pigeons – Oxfordshire
Saturday 4th May: Open as usual 9am to 5pm
Sunday 5th May: FOR THE FIRST TIME Serving SUNDAY LUNCH 12Noon until 3pm: More Info here
Bank Holiday Monday 6th May: 9am to 5pm
LASSCO Brunswick House – Vauxhall
Saturday 4th May: Open as usual 10am to 5pm
Sunday 5th May: Open as usual 11am – 5pm
Bank Holiday Monday 6th May: 10am to 5pm
LASSCO Ropewalk – Bermondsey
Saturday 4th May: Open as usual 10am to 5pm
Sunday 5th May: 11am – 4pm
Bank Holiday Monday 6th May: Closed