Adrian Amos, LASSCO’s Chairman and founder, writes:
” This consent is great news for LASSCO and all our friends and customers.
Firstly, it will give us ample warehousing, strategically and conveniently located on Britain’s motorway network less than 45 miles from London [22 from Heathrow] and with the Channel ports within the hour. As the number of experienced Architectural Salvage operators diminishes, particularly at our end of the Trade, the amount of material offered to us increases. Often this is from nationally significant collections. Refusing this material is not an option – no matter how commercially doubtful it might be. Throwing ‘stuff’ away is not an option – ‘Discard’ is not in our DNA. So we are doomed to fill every hidey hole with yet more stock. These new buildings will allow us to do just that into the forseeable future!

Secondly, The Three Pigeons will gain a ‘Third Pigeon’, a third gable that will nicely enhance the ‘streetscape’ of Milton Common; and the paved yards, walled gardens and characterful buildings planned for the site can be embellished not only with the fascinating LASSCO stock but with extensive planting. “Theme Park” and “LASSCO” do not sit happily in the same sentence but I hope visitors will find a visit to The Three Pigeons, enhanced by our improvements, yet more profitable, interesting, sustaining and enjoyable.
Thirdly, The Three Pigeons Inn will now reassume its historic role as a place of hospitality, the ghosts of the old Coaching Inn will be cheered by the sound of refreshment and merriment… with letting rooms, extended and improved kitchens, further dining rooms and bars, a Hall for receptions, parties, gatherings and exhibitions – and the extensive walled gardens, courtyards and orchards, pergolas and walkways adorned with statuary, fountains and garden ornament.

Subject to the requirements of building regs and the caution of Murray John Architects we shall be incorporating as much Architectural Salvage into our new structures as is fitting. When complete LASSCO will have a home, nationally positioned, internationally focussed and serving the local community – built mainly from reclaimed and sustainable materials. And Milton Common will have a rejuvenated coffee shop and pub, the weary traveller a friendly welcome and our LASSCO customers an ever more fascinating resource of authentic material for The Period House & Garden.
It is enormously satisfying to be able to put a case to planners for the expansion of, what is admittedly, a perplexing business – not perhaps Sui Generis but certainly ‘self defining’ – and in an area notably hostile to any sort of Planning Application – and to hear nothing but resounding endorsement for our proposals. When I started in this business nearly forty years ago my activities were considered those of a scavenger – it is good to be able to pass on to the next generations a business covered in virtue, where re-use is next to Godliness.

So Milton Common the Promised Land? Not quite – but we shall enjoy developing our two acres – and we hope that the process will be as interesting for our friends as will the concluded project!”
Plans for the consented development can be seen on the South Oxfordshire District Council website.
Murray John Architects can be contacted at