With a global credit crunch now in effect people are tightening their belts, certainly where properties and development are concerned. Consequently, more and more are making do with what they have. However, ‘making do' does not of course preclude all such spending. Instead, where possible people are now channelling their efforts and finances into repair and restoration. Flooring is one such area.
Although LASSCO has been supplying quality reclaimed flooring since the late 1970s, it is only now that people are beginning to truly appreciate the environmental benefit in using reclaimed materials, certainly with regard mounting concerns over tree felling and transport.
However, with a seemingly shaky economy at present, restoration and reuse are increasingly the answer. Although a sound investment, if you’d rather not fork out for an entire reclaimed floor and are lucky enough to be in possession of original pine boards, all you will most probably need to do is replace the odd damaged board. We call this ‘patching in’.
If this is the case, come armed with a sample of the floor in question and we at LASSCO will match it as closely in colour, depth and width, from our extensive stock of reclaimed pine. Boards can be purchased by the linear foot. We also provide this service for other woods, such as oak.
For further information please call 020 7501 7773, or visit our works site in Bermondsey – directions etc. to LASSCO Ropewalk can be found on our 'contacts page'.