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14 items found

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  • Georgian hobgrate

    An early George III cast iron hob grate

    £1,950 Stock code: 45875
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    An early George III cast iron hob grate

    the rectangular backplate above the bowed railed basket with a pierced steel apron, the panelled hob-fronts with guilloche borders cast in relief with pineapples,
    Dimensions: 67cm (26½") High, 87cm (34¼") Wide, 33cm (13") Deep, (59cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 45875
  • Georgian hob grate

    A late George III cast iron hob grate

    £1,880 Stock code: 46866
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    A late George III cast iron hob grate

    the rectangular backplate (later) above the bowed railed basket with a fluted apron, each side of the panelled stove front ornamented in relief with a classical column topped with a lidded urn,
    Dimensions: 60cm (23½") High, 76cm (30") Wide, 26cm (10¼") Deep, (59cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46866
  • Georgian hob grate

    A nicely cast late George III cast iron hob grate

    £1,750 Stock code: 46273
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    A nicely cast late George III cast iron hob grate

    the backplate with foliate crestings above the bowed railed basket with an apron cast with fruiting vines, the hob-fronts modelled as pilasters with guilloche wreaths, the cheeks with lambrequin bordered panels,
    Dimensions: 67cm (26½") High, 81cm (32") Wide, 28cm (11") Deep, (54cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46273
  • A set of four Victorian cast iron hopper heads-0

    A set of four Victorian cast iron hopper heads

    £1,400 the four Stock code: 24871
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    A set of four Victorian cast iron hopper heads

    the bodies of canted section with rope twist edges, two of the four pictured   
    Dimensions: 63cm (24¾") At Highest, 47cm (18½") Wide, 23cm (9") Deep
    Stock code: 24871
    £1,400 the four
  • Arts and Crafts firegrate

    An Arts and Crafts wrought iron fire basket

    £1,175 Stock code: 46275
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    An Arts and Crafts wrought iron fire basket

    the small backplate with heart shaped finials above the shaped railed basket integrating standards with knopped surmounts,
    Dimensions: 38.5cm (15¼") High, 47cm (18½") Wide, 30.05cm (11¾") Deep, (30cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46275
  • Regency gothick hob grate

    A small Regency gothick cast iron hob grate

    £1,150 Stock code: 46272
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    A small Regency gothick cast iron hob grate

    the rectangular backplate, probably later, cast with repeating foliate loops above the railed basket flanked by hob-fronts cast with lancet-arched recesses, the apron pierced with quatrefoils above the aperture cast as a Tudor arch,
    Dimensions: 60cm (23½") High, 51cm (20") Wide, 25cm (9¾") Deep, (46.5cm high excluding backplate)
    Stock code: 46272
  • firegrate

    A late Victorian cast iron firegrate

    £925 Stock code: 45920
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    A late Victorian cast iron firegrate

    the arched backplate centred with a sunflower boss, the railed basket with knopped central bar and topped with ball finials, raised on baluster supports,
    Dimensions: 68cm (26¾") High, 42cm (16½") Wide, 29cm (11½") Deep
    Stock code: 45920
  • Hoxton stone tablet

    A carved Portland stone tablet ‘SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON’

    £800 Stock code: 41938
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    A carved Portland stone tablet ‘SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON’

    the rectangular carved block with raised lettering, (pictured top available separately)
    Dimensions: 91cm (35¾") High, 83cm (32¾") Wide, 23cm (9") Deep
    Stock code: 41938
  • A giltwood pier mirror

    A large giltwood pier mirror,

    £700 Stock code: 76416
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    A large giltwood pier mirror,

    the breakfront cornice with suspended balls above frieze with central panel, the plate flanked by barley twist columns.
    Dimensions: 154cm (60¾") High, 109cm (43") Wide, 23cm (9") Deep
    Stock code: 76416
  • Hoxton plaque

    A carved Portland stone tablet ‘St JOHN’S ROAD SCHOOL HOXTON’

    £650 Stock code: 41939
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    A carved Portland stone tablet ‘St JOHN’S ROAD SCHOOL HOXTON’

    the rectangular block with raised lettering, (the shaped top - from the same source - available separately)
    Dimensions: 91cm (35¾") High, 83cm (32¾") Wide, 23cm (9") Deep
    Stock code: 41939
  • Roman head

    The head of a Young Athlete,

    £595 Stock code: 45356
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    The head of a Young Athlete,

    the young male with curly hair, almost certainly from a statue, mounted on an Ashburton marble block,
    Dimensions: 43cm (17") High, 19cm (7½") Wide, 23cm (9") Deep, (the head itself measures 30cm high)
    Stock code: 45356
  • The 'Chimaera' composition stone fountain mask-0

    The ‘Chimaera’ composition stone fountain mask

    £450 + VAT Stock code: 92356
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    The ‘Chimaera’ composition stone fountain mask

    modelled as a lion mask with ram's horns,
    Dimensions: 34cm (13½") High, 41cm (16¼") Wide, 23cm (9") Deep
    Stock code: 92356
    £450 + VAT
  • Carron hobgrate

    A late George III cast iron hob grate,

    £440 Stock code: 49053
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    A late George III cast iron hob grate,

    the rectangular reeded backplate and railed basket flanked by narrow hobs, the hob fronts and apron cast in relief with raised foliate ornament,
    Dimensions: 56cm (22") High, 41.5cm (16¼") Wide, 22cm (8¾") Deep, (57cm high including backplate)
    Stock code: 49053
  • hobgrate

    A late George III cast iron hob grate,

    £325 Stock code: 49054
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    A late George III cast iron hob grate,

    the railed basket flanked by narrow hobs, the hob fronts and apron cast in relief with acanthine strapwork ornament,
    Dimensions: 57cm (22½") High, 36cm (14¼") Wide, 26cm (10¼") Deep
    Stock code: 49054

Featured Items

  • The Moon by André Masson, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £600 Stock code: P01272 A
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    The Moon by André Masson, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 A
  • Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £800 Stock code: P01272 D
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    Stars by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 D
  • Printemps by Marc Chagall, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 3.

    £800 Stock code: P01274 A
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    Printemps by Marc Chagall, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 3.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01274 A
  • Comets by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    £800 Stock code: P01272 C
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    Comets by Wassily Kandinsky, Verve Vol. 1 / No. 2.

    The Verve Review was a purposefully luxurious. It ran from 1937 to 1960, but with only 38 editions available, due to the high degree of design and editorial work dedicated to each issue. Each edition contained unique lithographic prints, commissioned by the editor, and each cover a double-page lithograph elaborated by one of the artists contained within. It was the brainchild of its editor Stratis Eleftheriades, a Greek National who moved to Paris in the early thirties to take part in the growing Modernist movement, writing under the name of Teriade.
    Dimensions: 51cm (20") High, 40cm (15¾") Wide, 2cm (0¾") Deep
    Stock code: P01272 C