Reclaimed ‘Lord Roberts’ Parquet de Chantilly
English Oak parquet panels removed from Englemere, the Berkshire seat of the British national war hero Lord Roberts of Kandahar. The panels are constructed in English Oak and were in the ballroom of the country house. As a reclaimed timber they require careful handling and laying by an experienced joiner or floor fitter. The Oak is quarter sawn across the grain with attractive medullary rays on the face of the wood. Mellow golden in appearance with a pleasing geometric pattern.
£266 + VAT per sq m
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Field Marshal Lord Roberts was an epoch bridging giant of the Victorian and Edwardian Eras. He followed the flag in almost every conflict from the Indian Mutiny of 1857 until his death in Flanders in 1914.
He followed the gun carriages of both Queen Victoria and King Edward in funereal procession and was widely decorated and honoured as one of Britain’s greatest ever fighting men.
In 1903 he bought the already venerable Georgian mansion of Englemere near Ascot which remained his home until his death visiting troops at the front in 1914.