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An impressive English composition stone Campana urn
After the Victorian cast iron original by Coalbrookdale, "The Milton Vase"
the body cast in deep relief with a narrative scene depicting "The Expulsion of Adam & Eve" to the obverse and "The Expulsion of Satan" to the reverse, the spreading foot encircled by a serpent with a square plinth base,
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This is a replica piece. Available with the option of a square section pedestal, see item 91060. Perhaps the world's most famous iron foundry, Coalbrookdale was established in 1709 by a Quaker, Abraham Darby (1678-1717). His family were to maintain control of the works at Coalbrookdale, on the River Severn in Shropshire, for the next 150 years. Coalbrookdale continually broke new ground with its casting techniques, producing the first rails in 1769 and their famous and unprecedented bridge in 1799, the latter seen as an historical benchmark for the "industrial revolution". The works expanded enormously throughout the nineteenth century and was to devote much of its energies to fine art castings to meet demand from the rapid rise of the "middle classes" with ornament for their gardens and conservatories. By 1855 Coalbrookdale, who had carried off the prestigious council medal at the Great Exhibition four years earlier, were producing two thousand tons of finished iron a week. The catalogue of 1875 was a staggering illustration of the firm's output in terms of the quantity and variety of designs. Benches were perhaps their most successful line, but urns such as the Milton Vase might be considered their most spectacular.Lassco reproduces the iron original in composition stone.