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A pair of English carved oak overdoors,

late 19th or early 20th Century, thought removed from The Bodleian Library, Oxford,

A pair of English carved oak overdoors,

late 19th or early 20th Century, thought removed from The Bodleian Library, Oxford,

each with an arched pedimented top section, its recess lined with egg and dart mouldings, above a frieze carved as ribbon-tied fruiting swags, centred with an  extended "keystone" bearing the monogram"A",

£8,800 the pair

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Dimensions: 89cm (35") High, 183cm (72") Wide, 28cm (11") Deep
Stock code: 45674

Research continues on the exact provenance of these fantastic overdoors. The Bodleian is possible – another contender is the Indian Institute directly opposite. They were removed from their original Central Oxford location some years ago and were held in reserve by an Oxford Museum for potential re-use. LASSCO has acquired them from that Museum as they are now deemed surplus to their collections.

The quality of the carving is first-rate: seed-pods splitting and beautifully furled ribbons.