Category Archives: Specialists Pick
20 January 2023
Omnia Vanitas…
LASSCO has acquired a framed set of late Victorian and Edwardian caricature portraits from the original Vanity Fair, 1868-1914, depicting a range of figures from the world of art, politics, industry and law. The original Vanity Fair was a weekly society magazine first issued by Thomas Gibson Bowles in 1868. It aimed to capture and...
6 August 2020
The 12th Johnson Hobby Horse
“Where do you get all this stuff from?”. “Who is going to buy that?”…. are recurring questions we are asked at LASSCO. Sometimes we can tell you the whole story: both where something came from, and where it ended up. This is the second of these Lockdown ramblings (the first was “The Tale of the...
16 January 2020
Specialists Pick: Terrazzo Stones of Venice
Specialists Pick Occasionally our specialists will be asked to recommend to our customers the best of the best, from timber cladding to fine silver. Architectural salvage expert Harry Amos brings to your attention an exceptional batch of Italian mid century tiles.
26 November 2019
Specialists Pick: Design-lead Christmas table decorations
Occasionally our specialists discover a selection of items that deserve longer in the spotlight than our Latest Stock page allows. This time around mid century expert Pete Navey, has brought to your attention a selection of midcentury candle stick holders produced in Europe and the United Kingdom, that epitomise the design language of that period. _...
21 October 2019
100 Years of the London Underground Map
The London Underground map is the great modern symbol of the city but it’s creative direction has been highly contested, being fought over by four men, living and dead, over the past 70 years. By chance at LASSCO we currently have five different examples of the map, available for sale, that show it at every...
17 October 2019
Specialists Pick: Reactionary Seventies Lights
Occasionally our specialists discover a selection of items that deserve longer in the spotlight than our Latest Stock page allows. This time around mid century expert Rosie Oliver, has brought to your attention a selection of 1970’s pendant lights produced in Germany and the United Kingdom, that epitomise the design language of that period. _ ERCO...
18 September 2019
Specialists Pick: Elegant Halls of Residence Essentials
Young people seem intent on documenting every element of their lives; For that reason in 2019 your average student halls of residence looks less like the set of The Young Ones and more like a ‘Instagram-able’ mid century film scene. Our specialists reflect on simple, functional statement pieces that can elevate any contemporary dorm room....
28 August 2019
Specialists Pick: Snakes in a Frame
Occasionally our specialists discover a selection of items that deserve longer in the spotlight than our Latest Stock page allows. This time around, print expert Graham Hilleard, has brought to your attention a selection of snake engravings produced by Eighteenth century journalist John Wilkes. The Dart Snake of Ceylon By the time John Wilkes...
22 August 2019
Hidden Stock: Top 3 Most Dazzling Cut Glass Chandeliers
With such a vast expanse of highly decorated chandeliers – each one with its own teardrops and scrolled arms, glass pendants, moulded and cut glass droplets – it can be a trial to pin point the correct one for your home. In an effort to make things easier our specialists have picked their Top 3....
13 August 2019
Hidden Stock: Top 5 Most Arresting Print Collections
With so many long and diverse runs of immediately eye catching prints in stock it can be difficult, at times, to pinpoint the most appropriate and cohesive collections for your home. We’ve cut through our entire inventory to bring you our Top 5 Staff Picks.
1 August 2019
Specialists Pick: The Finest Regency Chimneypieces
Specialists Pick Occasionally our specialists will be asked to recommend to our customers the best of the best, from timber cladding to fine silver. Design and Decoration expert, Chris Martin highlights his personal preference when it comes to the architectural element that can be found at the centre of some of the grandest rooms in Great...
8 July 2019
Specialist’s Pick: The Widest, Oldest Wooden Boards
Specialists Pick Occasionally our specialists will be asked to recommend to our customers the best of the best, from timber cladding to fine silver. Wood expert, Harry Amos highlights his personal preference when it comes to variance within the most sought after flooring material in Great Britain: Wide, antique timber. Georgian Pine Harry Amos reflects...