LASSCO is clearing out all our old sample boards and invites customers to take advantage of the opportunity.
The panels and boards represent exhausted and discontinued batches of stock and thus, having served their purpose, are now fit for imaginative reuse.
Large solidly made panels are available in a broad range of LASSCO supplied timbers, though Oak and Pine naturally predominate, and are represented in strip, block, board and parquetry form
Panels such as these, made to a high specification for display purposes in our own workshop, would normally cost in the hundreds of pounds but LASSCO has them all set at a clearance price of £95 inclusive of VAT
The boards invite reinterpretation and reuse in any number of ways. We ourselves have used previous sample boards for table tops, head boards, workshop counters, and display panels.
All these solid wood panels can be bought online or viewed at our Bermondsey branch, LASSCO Ropewalk.