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9th February 2013


LASSCO Brunswick House trades as usual this weekend, Saturday & Sunday, as the advanced masterclass of high-level crane logistics unfolds around us. Ever since the tragic events of January when a helicopter collided with the lofty tower-crane at the rear of Brunswick House (see previous post here), Nine Elms Lane has been closed to traffic as the crane was made safe and replaced.

Crane Rescue at Vauxhall
Brunswick House and looming Crane

This weekend this tricky operation is to be completed. The mobile crane is to be dis-assembled and Nine Elms Lane will re-open on Monday. This involves the temporary closure of the Vauxhall gyratory at our front door. Despair not – we’re open! Keep driving at us and we believe that provision will be made at the cones at Wandsworth Road and in front of St. George Wharf for our customers to park. We are looking forward to the quiet at the front of the house – with the absence of traffic – and the spectacle of these monsters being dis-assembled. The Brunswick House Cafe is also open as usual.


Not to be outdone, at LASSCO Three Pigeons in Oxfordshire, we have had all manner of cranes and logistical challenges as we have been re-configuring the West Yard in readiness for imminent building work. We are used to heaving large parts of salvaged buildings about; we thought we’d go one step further and move our entire timber store – in one go!

Timber Store Roof lifts off in one!

Please excuse our appearance in this area of the shop as we decant the contents of the Timber Store back into its home, now in a new temporary location across the yard. The timber side of our business – particularly the reclaimed flooring – promises to be far better organised and the exciting first phase of the Three Pigeons redevelopment can steam ahead now without impinging on our day to day trade

Lifting the roof off

Repositioning of Shipping Containers
Repositioning of Shipping Containers